Purify and Recharge Energy Fields with the Sun

In our energetic body, we can read different energy fields, their reading can be done with a pendulum, dowsing rods and the most gifted people can read and interpret them without using any instrument. As I was taught, the pendulum and dowsing rods are simply an instrument for interpretation, we actually do the reading with our own energy field. For this reason, people with a lot of practice or many talents are able to interpret energy fields without using these elements.

Among the energy fields that we can measure are the Chakras of our body, but also our physical, energetic, mental, emotional and, spiritual fields. All these energy fields constitute us as a whole and these limits that we create simply allow us to direct the energy towards a more affected energy field. Just as we direct our energy to the Chakras of our body, we can also send Reiki to our energy fields. Here I propose two exercises to purify and recharge our energy fields using the sun and Reiki. We can visualize these fields extending one outside the other from the physical field (the surface of our body), increasing in size until reaching the spiritual field.

Exercise 1 – The energy of the sun

Outdoors under the sunlight.

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Preferably barefoot, with your feet in contact with the ground.

For energizing each field we use two phrases that we can repeat mentally or pronounce out loud. We repeat this phrase intending to cleanse each of the fields:

  1. “I breathe in the solar energy” and visualize that the sunlight fills the physical field with vibrant and pure energy. “I exhale the toxins that destabilize my fields” and visualize that the negative energy leaves the physical field through the feet towards the ground.
  2. “I breathe in the solar energy” and visualize that the sunlight fills the energetic field with vibrant and pure energy. “I exhale the toxins that destabilize my fields” and visualize that the negative energy leaves the energetic field through the feet towards the ground.
  3. “I breathe in the solar energy” and visualize that the sunlight fills the mental field with vibrant and pure energy. “I exhale the toxins that destabilize my fields” and visualize that the negative energy leaves the mental field through the feet towards the ground.
  4. “I breathe in the solar energy” and visualize that the sunlight fills the emotional field with vibrant and pure energy. “I exhale the toxins that destabilize my fields” and visualize that the negative energy leaves the emotional field through the feet towards the ground.
  5. “I breathe in the solar energy” and visualize that the sunlight fills the spiritual field with vibrant and pure energy. “I exhale the toxins that destabilize my fields” and visualize that the negative energy leaves the spiritual field through the feet towards the ground.
Purify and Recharge Energy Fields with the Sun

Exercise 2 – The Reiki energy

From inside out we are going to energize the energetic fields.

  • Connect with Reiki.
  • Feel your presence in…
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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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