give your bedroom a makeover with these DIY feng shui bedroom tips!

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Because good Feng Shui always starts with your health and well-being, the bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house.

In feng shui, your bedroom is the foundation of rest, self-care, and your relationship with your partner and yourself!

A bedroom with good feng shui is full of restful, positive energy that supports you for the rest of your life.

DIY feng shui bedroom tips: woman sitting on bed drinking coffee

Here are 10 DIY feng shui bedroom tips!

One: As a general rule, the bedroom should be for sleeping and bedroom activities — nothing else!

This means that if possible, you should remove electronics and anything that would interrupt your sleep.

Yes, that means you should remove your home office from your bedroom.

If you can’t do that, then it is helpful to hang a curtain or use a room divider to block the office space from your bed/sleeping area.

woman sitting on bed

Two: The best Feng Shui bed placement – the command position

In Feng Shui, being in “the commanding position” means that you are facing the door.

In this position, you can see everyone who enters the room.

If the door is behind you and you can’t see everyone who enters, your nervous system is on high alert at all times (even if you don’t think it is.)

In other words, you aren’t getting the most restful sleep because your body and mind are stressed.

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If it is not possible for your bed to be in the command position, then a feng shui cure for this problem is to place a small mirror across from the bed so that it reflects the door and you can see who is entering.

Other tips for Feng Shui Bed Placement:

If possible, don’t place the bed directly across from the door.

You want to be able to see the door, but not be directly in it’s path.

The best place for the bed is against a solid wall.

The bed shouldn’t be floating in the middle of the room or directly under a window.

Also don’t have a ceiling fan directly over you — this also represents danger to your nervous system, and can even cause health problems like pain in your feet and legs.

woman placing pillow on bed

Three: Your bed should have a headboard.

Just like having a solid wall behind your bed is ideal, having a solid headboard also represents support and stability.

Choose a soft headboard or a solid one — metal slats can break up the solid energy and cause energetic chaos.

Four: Remove books, clutter, and electronics from the bedroom.

In Feng Shui, everything is energy.

Anything that holds a lot of energy, like books and electronic devices (like cell phones and televisions), can disrupt your sleep.

Your body is absorbing the energies of those items, even if it doesn’t feel like it is.

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Clutter also holds a lot of energy — especially under the bed!

If possible, keep the area under your bed empty.

If you need to have an alarm clock or your phone in your bedroom, try to keep it across the room from your bed so it’s not right next to you while sleeping.

You can also keep electronics in drawers at night to block the energy.

picture of bed and side table

Five: Have pairs of items in the room.

Pairs represent strong, balanced relationships.

Having two nightstands, two lamps, two pillows, two chairs means each person has their own space.

Even if you are single, having two of everything means you are holding space for your future partner.

It also brings balance to the room.

The pairs do not need to match each other, so it’s less important to have two matching nightstands than it is to have two bedside tables that complement and balance each other.

Also, try to have equal space on both sides of the bed.

This creates balance in your room and your life – whether you have a partner or not.

If you WANT a romantic partner, having space on each side of the bed creates symbolic room for them!

Six: Avoid having a mirror directly across from the bed.

If you find that you’re having trouble sleeping and you have a mirror facing the bed, try covering it for a few nights and see how you feel.

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Mirrors bounce energy, which can be too active in a bedroom.

If you do want a mirror in the bedroom, make sure it reflects something you love to look at.

Mirrors in the bedroom aren’t “bad Feng Shui,” you just want to ensure that you are sleeping peacefully and they aren’t bothering you.

picture of pillows on bed

Seven: How to feng shui your bedroom art.

Art in your bedroom should be calming, not too active, and not too heavy.

Avoid having super active art above your bed, or anything hanging over your head while you sleep.

Shelves full of photos and/or books shouldn’t be hanging above you.

Choose calming art with soothing patterns that hangs flat against the wall and doesn’t hang over you while you’re sleeping.

Eight: Choose the best bedside table.

Your nightstand should be the same height as the bed, and not have sharp corners facing you while you’re sleeping.

Sharp corners are poison arrows in Feng Shui, which means…

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