Healing Animals with Reiki

Animals are naturally drawn to energy. As a cat owner, I noticed that my cat always liked to keep me company during my meditation and Reiki sessions. She would twirl herself around me when practicing Self-Reiki and during meditation. Sometimes, she would lay around my feet and put her belly-up happily accepting the Reiki energies.

As healers, one of the main Reiki principles we focus on is to respect others. That not only includes, people – but animals. In my three years of experience as a Practitioner, I feel myself being more connected and compassionate towards Earth’s creatures and the environment that we share.

Animals enable us to feel more compassion. They help us open our heart-space and feel more love and light from the Universe and enable us to connect more to our inner-self.

I’d like to share some tips in opening your heart-space to animals and working on them via Reiki.

Step 1: Use Reiki on your Heart chakra

The Heart chakra connects the rest of your chakras. I call it the ‘bridge’ that links everything together. Once you feel that your Heart chakra is open and cleansed, thank the Reiki energies and place your hands above your heart-space and allow yourself to feel the Reiki connection. Use the Reiki symbols if you have been attuned to them. Personally, I use the Power symbol and Distance symbol to ensure that the treatment for the animal goes well.

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Use that energy and feel it moving through your Heart chakra and slowly envision it expanding from your heart to the rest of your chakras. Once you are ready, reach out to the animal. If you are conducting a Remote/Distant Healing session tune in to the animal and ask for their permission.

Healing Animals with Reiki

Step 2: Connect to the animal

Connect to your pet or the animal you are working on by asking them for their permission. If it is a pet, do ask the owner’s permission first before working on the animal.

Once you feel a strong sense of affirmation, allow yourself to tune in to the animal’s energy from a distance and let the energy flow.

Go where you feel guided. After all, animals are very intuitive to Reiki energy and will give you a signal when they move or when you feel that they have healed enough. They will be able to sense that you mean to give them comfort, and are doing so for the highest good.

Animals, like us humans have different chakras. Feel free to research on the various chakras of different animals before working on them. It is important that you feel the animal willingly receive this Reiki energy.

Animals are perceptive creatures and will be thankful for the energy. Sometimes, the animal may not accept the energy. If that happens, slowly end the treatment and thank the animal for their time.

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Step 3: Keep a treatment journal

Keeping a journal detailing the treatment of the animal. I find this helps to keep track of treatments and also helps in future. You will be able to record the animals’s growth and healing…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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