How To Manifest Money With Scripting

Before I show you how to manifest money with scripting I want to share a quick story with you.

Many years ago at school, I forgot to bring a textbook into class. My teacher gave me 200 lines: “Memory is the mother of the muses.” 

After writing down that phrase 200 times, I never forgot it … and never again did I ever forget to bring a textbook to class!

That simple story shows the extraordinary power of the written word. 

By setting up a vibration that matches the desired outcome, the idea is that you can use the magical powers of the universe to make your aspirations real. 

You can use scripting to help you get more money, a better job, a new relationship, a new car or even, as in my case, a better memory!

There are several ways to start such a vibration. 

You can use spoken affirmations, a vision board or silent prayer. But as my example shows, the written word is one of the most powerful techniques. 

To learn more about using scripting to manifest money in your life, read on!

The Principles Of Scripting For Money 

man scripting for money

The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is one of the fundamental principles that govern the universe.  In its simplest form, the law states that like attracts like. 

Some people believe that by tapping into the incredible power of our minds, we can use this law to attract whatever we want into our lives. 

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In fact, the reality is a little more subtle than that.

With the Law of Attraction, we use the power of our minds to connect to the universal consciousness in order to attract what we want.

The Law of Attraction means that we are a magnet for what we give out. 

If we always complain, say nasty things about people, do hurtful deeds, and moan about a lack of money, we are essentially telling the universe that we want more of the same. 

But if we are positive, work from the heart, celebrate the abundance in our lives, and are happy, we can expect the universe to respond in kind, in both senses of the word.

The Art of Allowing

The Law of Attraction is all about the art of allowing.  It’s like a river that flows downstream with no resistance. 

Some people get into the water and then try to swim upstream, against the current.

If you want to use scripting to manifest more money, then don’t obstruct yourself. Allow yourself to feel good about your aspirations, and go with the flow.

Remember also to feel a connectedness to the universe and other people who are going to help you fulfill your intentions.

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The central tenet behind the Law of Attraction is that intention creates experience, or that thought creates reality. 

For this reason, positive thinking and an upbeat attitude are of the utmost importance. You must think only about what you want, not what you don’t want!

Choose Your Words Carefully

I’m sure my dear old Mum wasn’t the only parent who advised: “I want doesn’t get! 

Like Mums usually are, she was right. 

Simply scripting a phrase like “I want more money” probably won’t work, because it is not an especially powerful or inclusive vibration. 

Compare “I want more money” to something like “Money flows easily to me, and I use this abundance to improve my life and the lives of those around me. 

When you are scripting, the most important part is to choose, correct and fine-tune your words until they actively and positively express your desires.

Always use the present tense and optimistic words. 

The phrase “I am fed up with being poor and would like to have more money” abounds with negativity. 

The emphasis in the first part is on being poor – such words run the risk of attracting more of the same – whilst the second part is a vague, woolly hope for the future.

It’s far better to say: “I am happy and grateful for all the good things in my life, and freely share my newfound wealth with my loved ones. 

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Whatever you wish for, make it sound as if it already exists.

Banish any negative concepts associated with money like greed, miserliness, debt and selfishness, and replace them with constructive terms like generosity, sharing, good deeds and charity. 

It’s vital that you do this, otherwise you risk blocking the good vibration, or worse still, attracting a bad one.

When it comes to the concept of scripting to bring more money into your life, you must believe it, feel it, and receive it. 

You must be willing to let something happen, and not worry about how it will happen. The universal intelligence or your subconscious mind will figure out the hows!

The Biggest Mistakes To Avoid When Scripting

The single biggest mistake you can make with scripting is to write down your phrase and then just sit back and wait for things to happen. 

Unless you are spectacularly lucky, the Law of Attraction doesn’t…

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