Healing Heart Chakra With Essential Oils

When we talk about Heart chakra we talk about the energy of love, forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, receptivity. The Heart chakra is also a place where our earth and spiritual aspirations are integrated, a place where we transcend our personal identity and the limitations of our ego; that is also a level where we are learning the discernment and appreciation of inner and outer beauty; a level where we can build and experience a truly deep and meaningful relationships.

Emotions which are associated with the level of Heart chakra are emotions of love, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, understanding, awareness, care, acceptance and self-acceptance. On another spectrum we have heavy emotions, which can block and create the imbalance of the natural energy flow. These are emotions like grief, codependency, jealousy, envy, anger, resentment, holding grudges, loneliness.

These are the heavy emotions. When we want to bring essential oils we want to bring essential oils which have this powerful transformation energy. Essential oils which have the strongest affinity with Heart chakra are geranium, palmarosa, cypress, black spruce, bergamot, marjoram, manuka, rose, ylang ylang, neroli, jasmine, hyssop, goldenrod, cistus, helichrysum, melissa, myrtle.

Compassion: lavender, rose, goldenrod, neroli, marjoram, geranium, manuka

Love: rose, neroli, geranium, palmarosa, jasmine, helichrysum, myrtle, melissa

Acceptance: hyssop, goldenrod, helichrysum, jasmine, lavender, myrtle, rose

Emotional release: ylang ylang, bergamot, black spruce, jasmine, melissa 

Understanding and awareness: geranium, palmarosa, helichrysum, cypress, hyssop, jasmine, cistus, lavender, neroli

Forgiveness: jasmine, myrtle, helichrysum, melissa

Regeneration: neroli, geranium, manuka, rose, lavender

Gratitude: cistus, black spruce, cypress, goldenrod, geranium

Integrity: marjoram, hyssop

Kindness: marjoram, palmarosa, geranium, lavender

Grief and let go: cypress, black spruce, geranium

Harmony and balance: bergamot, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, cistus, lavender, marjoram, myrtle

Generosity: cinnamon, marjoram

Change: cypress, geranium, manuka

Peace: cypress, geranium, helichrysum, cistus, melissa, neroli, ylang ylang

To see how open is your Heart chakra the easiest way is to use a pendulum to read chakras. When you work with essential oils for energy balancing you can diffuse them and it’s one of the best way to benefit from the power of essential oils on energetic and emotional level, you can make sprays, apply them topically in a diluted form, make roller ball blends and use them as a perfume during the day or while meditating.

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For example if you’re dealing with the energy of grief which is a very heavy emotion one of the best essential oils in my opinion if cypress and geranium. Cypress helps to heal past traumas, helps to let go of the past or anything you’re too attached to emotionally. Geranium helps to…

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