feng shui crystals for wealth {9 stones to attract money!}

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feng shui crystals for wealth {9 stones for manifesting money, abundance, & good fortune!}

If you want to boost your feng shui and manifesting abilities, crystals are a good way to start! 

While crystals aren’t the “be all, end all” to manifesting, and you can’t just hold a crystal and think of what you want and have it magically appear, there are definitely feng shui crystals for wealth that you can place in your home to make your feng shui manifesting more effective.

feng shui crystals for wealth (9 stones crystals for money)
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How do crystals work?

Everything in the Universe holds energy and vibrates at different frequencies. 

Even thoughts contain vibrational frequencies!

Whatever feelings and thoughts you’re having at any given moment attract things into your life that have the same frequency. 

This is the law of attraction = like attracts like. 

So if you’re vibrating at a high frequency, you will attract positive things into your life. 

If you’re vibrating at a low frequency, you’ll attract more negative things into your life. 

Or you’ll at least see the things you manifest as either positive or negative depending on how you’re vibrating in the moment!

Crystals have vibrational energy of their own. 

They are high frequency, and over time, some of them have become “known” for their vibrational properties. 

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There are crystals for money, health, manifesting, love, good luck, and more! 

So today we’re going to focus on crystals to attract money, and then how to use them to boost your feng shui manifesting powers!

Here’s a list of the top 9 feng shui crystals for wealth:

Amethyst – Amethyst is a peaceful, restful, protective stone that helps restore balance in your life.  It’s the stone of clarity and understanding. It helps promote inner peace, soothes anxiety, and enhances calming energy in your space.  All of these things help bring money into your life because as your vibration becomes calmer, less anxious, and more peaceful, you’ll have less money blocks. 

Money always wants to make its way to you, but most of the time your habits and limiting beliefs block it from coming.  Amethyst can help ease those vibrations which will help money flow in faster. 

Also purple is the color of wealth in feng shui, so placing a vibrant purple amethyst in your money corner is the perfect way to increase wealth energy in your home!

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Click here to see amethyst crystals on Amazon.

Citrine – Citrine enhances your personal willpower and vision, which means it helps you create success and prosperity if that’s what you want for your life.  Citrine also attracts prosperity, abundance, and it increases the energy you have for achieving your goals. 

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It’s sometimes called the “merchant’s stone” because it’s known for bringing good luck to wealth and finances, and many business owners like to keep a piece of citrine near their cash registers.  Citrine is also a sunny and bright stone, and can help increase happiness and joy for life!

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Click here to see citrine crystals on Amazon.

Green Aventurine – green aventurine is known as the lucky stone!  It is thought to increase lucky opportunities in your life!  It also attracts wealth and prosperity because it’s known as an attraction stone. 

Green aventurine has a soothing, calming energy, which helps you maintain optimism in challenging times. It also boosts creativity, which can help you come up with new ways to increase your wealth!

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Click here for green aventurine on Amazon.

Pyrite – pyrite is also known as fool’s gold, because of it’s shimmery gold color.  Pyrite is known for increasing confidence and ambition, which can help you follow through on your goals.

It contains both fire and earth element properties, which can ignite your finances while also maintaining grounding and stability, making it easier to increase wealth.

Pyrite is also considered a powerful money manifesting stone, and when paired with the other money stones can really increase your manifesting abilities.

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Click here for pyrite on Amazon.

Tiger’s Eye – tiger’s eye is the stone of personal empowerment, courage, and confidence. It is also a stone of protection, centering, and grounding. 

It helps you feel more stable in the face of adversity, make better decisions, and take action! It’s also a prosperity stone because it’s said to bring good luck and discernment to take action at the right moment. 

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Click here for tiger’s eye on Amazon.

Jade – jade is the stone of abundance, vitality, and well-being. Jade is also considered a lucky stone – one that attracts good fortune and good friends! It is also the stone of self reliance, harmonious energies, and reaching your true potential. 

Jade helps you take decisive action and encourages wisdom. It can…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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