How To Manifest On A New Moon In 7 Steps | Aglow Lifestyle

Did you know that you can manifest on a new moon?

New moons are special nights.

In fact, they are the perfect night to manifest new things in your life because a new moon represents a fresh start.

This is the perfect time for you to get rid of things that you don’t need and start all over with a clean slate to do things the right way.

Plus, the energy from the new moon can help you manifest your goals even more successfully.

So, here is how to manifest on a new moon in 7 steps:

How does the new moon affect our manifestations?

The new moon is a great time to manifest because it’s all about new beginnings and new opportunities.

The energy of a new moon is clean and fresh, making it a great time to start projects and manifest goals.

It affects what you want to manifest because it adds extra power and energy, meaning you’ll get better, faster results.

The new moon is a time to cast the intent and set the will on what you want to manifest, even more than the full moon.

Take the fresh energy from the new moon to help you create what you want.

How to manifest on a new moon

1. Cleanse your living space

The first thing you want to do is clean your living space.

You want to clear away any negative energy that might be lingering around because this can work against you.

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Burn sage and let the smoke fill up every room in your apartment, especially the corners of each room.

Not into smudging? You can light a candle or play some soft music to clear away any negative energy.

Get rid of clutter, wash the bedding, and clean the floors.

This prepares your space for new energy that will manifest in your life.

2. Decide on what you want to manifest

Before you manifest anything, you need to know exactly what it is that you want.

To help you figure out what you want, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I really want in life?
  • How will this help me in my life?
  • Why am I doing this?

It’s important that you know why you’re doing it because if you don’t know why, how will it manifest?

Being clear and concise with your manifesting intentions sets the right energy.

3. Visualize the outcome of your manifestation

Visualizing is a key part of manifesting anything.

The most effective way to visualize is by closing your eyes and imagining yourself experiencing the thing you want as it already exists.

As you close your eyes, imagine yourself in your new life, and see how it looks and feels.

  • Do you feel more at peace?
  • Are you happier?
  • What does it feel like?
  • How does it look?
  • Are you on your own or with someone else?

The more detail you add to your visualization, the better results you’ll have.

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Including as much detail as possible brings it from being something that only exists in your mind to physical reality.

4. Write down what you want to manifest

The next step is to write down what you want to manifest.

This is an important part of the process because you want to get it out of your head and onto paper.

Writing down what you want to manifest shows you exactly what you want.

Putting it on paper makes it real and solidifies your intention.

Just like in your visualization, add as much detail as you can when you write.

You can even script write as if your manifestation has already come true.

For example, if you wanted to manifest a new job, you should write, “my new job is amazing, and I love it. There is more money and opportunities, and awesome people to work with.”

Always add positive words when you write because positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.

Never include words such as “cant,” “won’t,” “will never”, because these words bring doubt and fear, stopping your manifestation from coming true.

5. Meditate on it

Next, you want to meditate on your intention.

Remember the visualization that you created?

Now you want to imagine yourself in this visualization.

See yourself in the scenario that you wrote down and see how it feels.

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You can even meditate on your visualization as if it’s real right now.

See what you see, hear what you hear, and feel what you feel.

Spend some time getting into the details.

Just like in your visualization, add as much detail as you can when you meditate.

The more you focus on your intention, the more powerful it becomes.

6. Believe that it will come true

Belief will always be the key to manifesting anything because things only come true if you believe they will.

If you don’t believe in your intention, how do you expect the universe to believe in it?

You have to be 100% sure that your intention will manifest.

You can use positive affirmations to help keep you on track.

When you wake up in the morning or before bed at night, sit quietly and think about your intention.

Repeat the following affirmation to yourself:

  • “I am fully committed to my manifestation, and it is coming true.”

Once you’re sure, there should be no doubt.

Don’t allow doubt and fear to creep in and take your focus off of your intention.

7. Give thanks to the universe…

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