How to Use Mirrors in Feng Shui (Do’s & Don’ts for Feng Shui Mirror Placement)

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When you first learn about feng shui and moving Chi throughout your home, one of the more confusing pieces is using mirrors.

Mirrors bounce energy and are often used as a feng shui cure to deflect unwanted energy from certain rooms or from outside of your home.

This can make it feel like mirror placement is tricky, but it really isn’t!

Let’s discuss how to use mirrors in feng shui!

mirrors in feng shui

Mirrors & Feng Shui

In feng shui, mirrors contain water element energy. The water element is responsible for wealth and good fortune flowing into your life.

Mirrors are also used as a way to direct Chi energy where you want it to go.

They can be used to deflect negative energy, as a cure to keep energy from going down a drain, and as a way to double good energy!

Mirrors are water element energy, but because mirrors reflect, they can also be used to double other elements (whatever they reflect) or reduce elements (like hanging a mirror above a fireplace.)

entryway table with mirror and home decor

Mirror Shapes

The shape of the mirrors in feng shui can also enhance the energy, so you can use them to balance, feed, or reduce other elements too.

Square Mirrors – Earth element
Circle/Oval Mirrors – Metal element
Wavy Mirrors – Water element
Tall & Skinny/Rectangle Mirrors – Wood element
Triangle Mirrors – Fire element

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Two other mirror shapes that can be useful in feng shui are:

Concave – these mirrors are shaped like a bowl. They reduce whatever they reflect, making it smaller. They can be used to reduce negative energy.

Convex – these mirrors bend outward, like the outside of a bubble. They enlarge whatever they reflect. They also give you a wider lens, helping you to see more of whatever it is they are reflecting. They can be used to expand energy.

Feng Shui Bagua Mirror

Feng shui bagua mirrors are shaped like an octagon, with lines that radiate from a center area, like the compass bagua map.

These are usually used as feng shui cures for outside of your home, to bounce energy.

They would be used to deflect energy away from your home, like T junctions, poison arrows, negative neighbors, cemeteries or other negative energy.

In Western feng shui, you can usually use a regular mirror for these things, but it’s usually not necessary.

There are other ways to deflect and soften negative energy that doesn’t need a mirror.

entryway with large mirror reflecting seating area

Key Do’s & Don’ts for Feng Shui Mirror Placement

Some do’s for using mirrors in feng shui are:

Do: Keep in mind that mirrors double everything they reflect.

The number one key to keep in mind when placing mirrors in your home is that they will double the energy of whatever they reflect, both positive and negative.

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This can be GREAT when you want to double wealth energy or harmonious relationships, but it can be detrimental when reflecting things like drains or clutter.

When using mirrors to double energy, consider using them:

  • In your home’s wealth area, to double wealth energy.
  • Behind the stove to double abundance or as a command position cure.
  • Across from windows, to double the pleasant view.
  • In your dining room, to double abundance and happy relationships.
  • Next to growing plants to double the expansive wood energy.
  • Next to a cash register, to double sales and income.

Do: Use them to move energy.

You can use mirrors to help move energy throughout your home, deflecting it away from drains or from bouncing out of doorways.

For example, you can place mirrors:

  • On the outside of bathroom doors, to bounce energy away from draining Chi.
  • In your entryway (not directly across from the front door) to bounce energy into your home instead of away from it.
  • Above fireplaces, to balance the fire element energy of the fireplace.
  • In dark or long hallways to help move energy.
  • Next to stairways to keep energy from moving up or down the stairs.
  • In front of sharp corners or poison arrows to bounce and soften energy.

Do: Use them to correct the command position.

In feng shui, the command position is seat of power.

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When seated in the command position, you should be able to see the door from your seat.

Ideally, you would be seated across from the door, so that you can see anyone who enters or leaves the room.

When someone can sneak up behind you, you aren’t in the position of power in the room.

The most important command positions are:

  • Your desk. You should be able to see the door when you are seated at your desk, whether it’s at work or in your home office.
  • Your main seating area. Wherever the head of household sits the most, that seat should be in the command position.
  • Your bed. You should be able to see the door from your bed.
  • The stovetop. When cooking, you should be able to see the doorway to the kitchen.
  • Dining table. The head position of the dining table should be able to see the door.

Of course, it isn’t always possible to position furniture to be in the command position.


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