Crystals for Sleep & How to Use Them to Get A Better Night’s Sleep

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Are you struggling with getting a good night’s sleep?

Are you a light sleeper who would love to get restorative, deep sleep every night?

Do you find yourself with racing thoughts every night before bed?

If so, crystals for sleep can help!

How do crystals help with sleep?

While some crystals do contain natural minerals that could possibly help with sleep (lepidolite contains lithium, for example) most crystals that help with sleep do so by changing the energy in your bedroom.

To get the best night’s sleep, your bedroom should be set up to help calm and relax you so that you can fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer.

Crystals help with this by calming and soothing the energy, therefore helping you relax and let go of the stress of the day.

You can also add crystals for sleep to your bedtime routine, using them to anchor you and tell your body and mind that it’s time to rest.

Let’s discuss the best crystals for sleep and how to use them!

The Best Crystals For Sleep

Rose Quartz

rose quartz crystal next to a plant

Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love.

It calms the nervous system, reduces stress, and brings love and light into your bedroom and sleeping space.

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Sleeping with rose quartz or keeping rose quartz in your bedroom can also help you attract love – including self love and compassion!

Black Tourmaline

black tourmaline crystal

Black Tourmaline calms an overactive mind, grounds and centers your personal energy and the energy in your bedroom, and cleanses negative energies from your aura and your space.

Smoky Quartz

smoky quartz

Smoky Quartz removes negative energy, helps calm racing, anxious, negative thoughts and energy, can help create pleasant dreams.



Lepidolite is the stone of transition, lepidolite can reduce stress in times of change, helps with emotional balance, creates divine connection, and restores inner peace and calm.



Amethyst has a calming and soothing energy, can help with lack of sleep or creating more restful sleep, balances the upper chakras and can help with dream interpretation.

Amethyst is also a gentle cleanser of negative energy, helping calm anxious feelings and ground your energy.

Leopard Skin Jasper

leopard skin jasper

Leopard Skin Jasper creates a nurturing and restful energy in your bedroom, calms the nervous system and reduces stress.

It is also known as the journey stone, connecting you to shamanic travel.

Blue Lace Agate

blue lace agate

Blue Lace Agate increases harmony and deep inner peace, soothes emotions and stress, nurturing and supportive.

It balances the crown, third eye, and throat chakras.

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It can also help you communicate with higher realms while remaining calm and open to wisdom from the higher dimensions.


barite crystals

Barite relieves negative emotions, strengthens the connection to the spirit world, and helps with lucid dreaming and recall.

If you struggle with remembering your dreams, place barite near you while you sleep with the intention that you’ll remember your dreams when you wake up!

If you have a dream journal, you can place barite on top of it to help charge it with your intentions!


aragonite cluster

Aragonite is grounding, and relieves stress, anxiety, and negativity. It also clears anger and resentment.

If you are struggling with a problem right before bed, you can hold aragonite for a few moments with the intention that it will dissolve and remove those emotions so you can rest.

Clear Quartz

polished clear quartz crystals

Clear Quartz is the master healer. It can dissolve stress and create a clear mind before bed. It also balances all of the chakras, helping keep your energy clear.

You can program it to hold any intention.

Meditating with clear quartz right before bed to clear energy and calm the nervous system.


selenite lamp next to a bed

Selenite clears negative energy and anxious thoughts.

It’s the stone of liquid light that dissolves and cleanses negative energy, calms and stabilizes emotions.

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Selenite can also cleanse energy without needing to be charged or cleansed.

Sleeping near selenite can create peace and serenity throughout the night.


danburite crystal

Danburite is a stone that creates restful sleep, peace of mind, and calm and restful energy.

If you struggle with ruminating on problems or stress, holding danburite right before bed can help calm your mind and clear the stress from your body.


rough moonstone crystal

Moonstone reduces emotional tension, healing, calming, creates peaceful energy, increases connection to divine energy of the moon and divine feminine.

Moonstone is also a great stone for manifesting while you sleep!


howlite crystals

Howlite helps with sleep issues.

It is the most well-known crystal for helping with insomnia and sleep problems.

Howlite is great to stash under your pillow or under your bed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep!


raw celestite cluster

Celestite creates inner peace and helps with positive…

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