Living A Reiki Life

I began my Reiki journey over twenty years ago. I did not realize at the time how it would change every aspect of my life. I knew very little about Reiki and the purpose of it. It turned out that opening myself up to learn was all that was needed. The rest would come in time and it did.

For those of you trained in Reiki and call upon it mainly for your clients and students, there is more. We are tempted to ignore the many other areas of our life that Reiki can help. We do not include it in all areas of our day because of our busy schedules. Sometimes we find it is easier to care for others than ourselves. However, by taking time each day to include Reiki for yourself will in the end benefit not only yourself but your clients, students, family, and friends. The following is a list of areas that may be of help or remind you to include Reiki in your day.

I will touch upon a few different lifestyles to give you an idea of how to utilize Reiki in your every day. I cannot list them all, but believe the following will be helpful in your daily approach to Reiki:

  1. When you awaken, take five to ten minutes and allow Reiki to flow as you set the intention for your day. You can take this approach throughout your day when you feel you need a little more help. It does not have to be a long session. A little can go a long way. Remember if you do not knowingly take time during the day for mini Reiki sessions, it is still working.
  2. While getting kids ready for school, protect them with Reiki. You can add Reiki to their lunch boxes and backpacks that hold all their books. Envision the school bus or walking to school being a safe journey. Set the intention that they are protected from the moment they leave home to the “hello Mom I’m home” at the end of the day.
  3. As you prepare to leave for your day, infuse Reiki around yourself as well as in and around your car. While doing Reiki, set the intention for safe travels throughout your day. If travelling on a bus or other mode of transportation, do the same thing.
Living A Reiki Life
  1. Upon arriving at work, send Reiki to your office or area where you work. In addition, infuse Reiki around your desk area. Set the intention as to what you want to accomplish for the day. When negative energy enters your space, remove it with a five minute Reiki session. If you are a list maker, infuse Reiki in the list each day. When attending a meeting, send Reiki to the meeting room.
  2. It is important to take a few minutes away from your office, enjoy a lunch break and incorporate Reiki in the food you will be eating. Although your workday seems too busy to take time for yourself, it is important. It truly makes a difference in your outlook and performance when you do. Adding Reiki is a bonus.
  3. If you experience an illness or injury, take a few minutes to apply Reiki to the wound area. If it is an illness, do Reiki as often as you can. I incorporate Reiki when I have a doctor’s appointment. I protect myself with Reiki and infuse Reiki…
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