New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022 | Astrology Answers

On October 25th, we’ll experience a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, the first in many years! This puts us right in the eclipse season, and it’s time for action.

Solar Eclipses occur with New Moons, which occur when the Sun and Moon align in the zodiac. Solar Eclipses are enthusiastic, energetic, and great for new beginnings, and this can catapult us into a whole new phase in life.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio can jumpstart Scorpio matters, which can include:

  • Anything dealing with money that involves other people (say, paying off loans, dealing with taxes, planning your will, getting a mortgage, getting a scholarship, or merging your finances with a new partner or roommate)
  • Anything that is mutually beneficial (so this is great for new business ventures where you’ll have a partner or are working for someone directly, as well as new financial and business arrangements)
  • Anything that transforms (Pluto is the natural ruling planet for Scorpio, and is the planet of transformation, so anything where you’re breathing fresh life into something stale, boring, old, or half-dead; can be a fantastic time for coming back from failure/defeat)
  • Anything involving sexuality (Scorpio is the sign of sex, so many may meet new partners or explore their sexuality a bit more – spice things up!)
  • Anything that may be a bit dark or taboo (Scorpio is the darkest of the zodiac signs, but doesn’t feel like there’s anything negative about that; this may be a good time to explore subjects like death, rebirth, the occult, and mysticism)
  • Anything that involves “dark” emotions (think rage, hatred, jealousy, envy, revenge, contempt, self-loathing, and beyond emotion, violence; we all deal with at least one of these, and it’s important, to be honest with ourselves, get to the heart of where it comes from, and work to transform this to something positive)
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We previously had a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 16th, 2022, but Full Moon Lunar Eclipses are very different in energy. They’re more serious, emotional, and, combined with Scorpio, much darker and more complex.

Some of the themes that came up in our lives around that eclipse may also be of focus now, however, in a much more positive way. We can be more proactive, more willing to put ourselves out there, and more open to solutions.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio gets an extra positive dose of energy thanks to it being conjunct (aligned with) Venus, the pleasant planet. Venus tries to help out and make things a little easier for us.

This also means this eclipse has good energy for relationships, commitment, and partnerships, thanks to Venus. We can grow closer and feel excited by this.

Make sure to read this: Prepare for 2022 Eclipse Season With This Guide

What Does the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Energy Mean?

For starters, we go into this eclipse with Saturn having just ended its retrograde on October 23rd in Aquarius. This can help us feel less stifled, less overwhelmed, and better able to pursue opportunities with less baggage.

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At the time of the eclipse, Jupiter is retrograde and is at a very sensitive degree called the 0 Degrees Aries Point. This is incredibly high energy for taking action, but it may be a bit frazzled thanks to Jupiter being retrograde.

At the same time, it may also be quite “fated.” We all may feel like many fated events are happening in our lives individually, around us, and in the world at large.

And then, Mars retrograde starts on October 30th in Gemini, five days after the eclipse. Mars is the natural ruling planet of Aries (hence bringing more fate into Jupiter’s orbit) and the traditional ruler of Scorpio. 

With Mars retrograde for the rest of 2022, this may mean a few things for the eclipse:

  1. What we start now with the eclipse may get put on hold, so we’re not making major progress until next year.
  2. We get started, but things don’t go as planned, and we have to make adjustments along the way and be more flexible about how this comes together.
  3. We start now and finish quickly by the time Mars retrograde ends in January 2023.
  4. We focus on second chances, something from the past we want another shot at and pursue now, instead of something brand new.
  5. We don’t start anything new or take any second chances. Instead, we focus on what we’ve already started and make tweaks.
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Lots of options! Pick what calls you, and roll with the energy.

Make sure to use the free astrology calendar to keep track of all of this energy!

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscopes


The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio can help you feel rejuvenated, Aries, and you can focus on what you want to take control with. You can feel more in tune with your personal power and can strengthen yourself at your core.

This may be a time to investigate, research, and focus on resolving old problems that have vexed you. You can feel ready to start anew, which can benefit you in many ways.


The Scorpio New Moon Solar…

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