Scorpio Romance & Love Compatibility | Astrology Answers

It’s that time again, folks! The time when the Sun dances its way into the sign of mysterious, enigmatic, sensual Scorpio – the zodiac sign that may be the most misunderstood, and perhaps the most magnetic, as we all seem to be inextricably drawn to the intoxicating energy of a Scorpio.

Since we’re in the thick of the Scorpio season, it’s also the perfect time to learn more about this sign and the astrological compatibility between Scorpios and everyone else under the Sun. After all, Scorpio is the sign most associated with sensuality and even sex, and these themes might be on your mind more in the following weeks.

It’s important to remember when learning about astrological compatibility that while our Sun signs are very important in our natal charts, it certainly isn’t the only sign that contributes to a particular relationship’s health and happiness. For a truly detailed and accurate portrait of a relationship and its potential, it’s important to contact an experienced astrologer and request a relationship synastry chart or composite chart to learn more about your true destiny with someone else.

Now that we’ve gone over the fine print let’s dive into Scorpio traits – the things that make them so unique and enchanting – as well as Scorpio compatibility with other signs!

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Interested in learning more about love compatibility with other zodiac signs? Use the zodiac love compatibility calculator!

Scorpio Personality Traits

Before we dive into this sign’s compatibility possibilities, it’s useful to look at the personality traits and aspects of Scorpio’s sign that make it so unique and lovable.

Positive Scorpio Traits

  • Passionate
  • Tenacious
  • Intense
  • Strategic
  • Loyal
  • Mystical
  • Curious
  • Deep
  • Sensual
  • Charismatic
  • Creative

Negative Scorpio Traits

  • Jealous
  • Controlling
  • Secretive
  • Possessive
  • Resentful

Scorpios are Water signs, meaning that they are ruled by this emotional, creative, intuitive element. They are deeply connected to their instincts, and they follow their heart in most situations rather than their head. In other words, if a Scorpio isn’t feeling it, they aren’t doing it either.

Scorpios are one of the most mysterious signs under the Sun, and they certainly enjoy their secrets. While Scorpio follows their heart, they also keep it close to their sleeve. You have to work to earn a Scorpio’s trust, but they’re loyal for life once you do.

Scorpio Love Matches & Relationship Compatibility

Certain signs seem to naturally match this sign’s vibration and energy when it comes to Scorpio compatibility. However, it’s important to remember that the Sun sign is the only sign considered here, and it’s also far from the only sign that matters for a compatible relationship.

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So, if you’re crushing on a Scorpio, or you’re a Scorpio yourself, and you see a match on here that looks less-than-stellar, don’t give up hope! You may have Rising or Moon signs that make you a perfect match. That’s where an astrological advisor can help you out by creating a synastry chart!

The point is, if you’re vibrating on a positive, magnetic level with someone, don’t give up just because your Sun signs may not be a match.

Another thing that’s important when considering compatibility is astrological elements and their connection to the signs. Each sign is ruled by a certain element – Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. And signs ruled by the same element tend to get along right off the bat.

Let’s take a look at the most compatible and least compatible signs for entering into a romantic relationship with the mysterious and charming Scorpio.

The Best Love Matches for Scorpio

Scorpio Love Compatibility With Cancer

As a fellow Water sign, Cancer may be the most compatible Sun sign for Scorpio.

These signs share a depth of emotion and a knack for intuition that helps them understand each other on an intense level. The connection shared by their understanding of emotion is something that doesn’t necessarily translate to every other element – Earth signs are grounded and more focused on responsibility than feelings, Air signs tend to connect more deeply to their thoughts, and Fire signs are ruled by passion and impulse.

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Cancers and Scorpios alike understand what it’s like to feel emotions on such a deep level that they feel embedded in your veins, part of the blueprint that makes you who you are.

These are two signs that acknowledge their need for emotional connection within a relationship. And the best part is that Cancer knows how to hold a grudge, so they don’t judge Scorpio’s selective refusal to let go of certain upsets.

That’s the one thing this pair will need to work on – letting things go and learning to forgive and forget. Even though they understand each other, each relationship is bound to have its ups and downs, including misunderstandings and arguments. If you both commit to finding a compromise and being more self-aware, this can be a match made in heaven.

Both Cancer and…

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