Oracle Card Reading August 01 – 07, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Mission

Feel your energy while fulfilling your mission. How does it feel to fulfill your mission? And if what you feel doesn’t match your present inner and outer state, make adjustments. Keeping your mission as a mental image makes you susceptible to distraction but storing it as energy in your being will always provide valuable inner guidance, no matter what you do.

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2. Receive

Don’t question whether you deserve it! Release any blockages, guilt, fear, or low self-esteem. Receiving will always trigger your sense of vulnerability, so have the strength to be vulnerable. Let go of control and stop filtering what you should receive and what you shouldn’t. You are worthy of abundance in all its manifestations, unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, joy, and freedom.

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3. Unveil

Close your eyes for a moment and envision your true self. Does it resemble who you are today? If not, what is the one thing that holds you back from unveiling your true self and living life as you envision?
This card gently invites you to stop hiding. It’s safe to unveil your inner truths and the wisdom of your soul. Have the courage to see yourself as you are and allow others to see your great inner light.

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Reiki blessings!

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