How To Cleanse Crystals With Palo Santo – A Simple Guide

Palo Santo, which translates to “holy wood” in Spanish, is a sacred wood used for generations in South America to purge negative energy.

It is one of nature’s outstanding instruments for boosting vibrations and clearing and cleansing your home and crystals.

In this article, we will learn how to cleanse crystals with Palo Santo, what this magical wood is, and the different forms which will help you cleanse your crystals in specific ways. 

The Palo Santo Method Of Cleaning Crystals

It is an ancient custom to cleanse and purify your crystals using Palo Santo.

The following steps will help you clean your crystals using Palo Santo:

1. Set your intention

Woman meditating upon crystals

Setting an intention is the first step.

This sends a crystal-clear message about how and where to focus energy.

Your intentions should always be expressed in the present tense.

Instead of saying, “You will be rid of negativity,” try using phrases like “You are cleansed” or “You are charged with love and optimism.”

2. Line up your crystals

All of your priceless crystals should be brought out and spread out on a flat surface.

If it’s not too windy, you can even perform this outside in the moonlight or sunlight.

Unlike other cleaning techniques that can only be used with crystals that can withstand water, this one can be used safely on any kind of crystal.

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3. Light up the Palo Santo

As usual, light the Palo Santo stick on fire. After 30 seconds, you can blow out the fire or let it burn out gradually on its own.

Spend a moment truly savoring the aroma by inhaling it. The fragrance can instantaneously calm your body, resulting in a slower heartbeat and a calm mind.

Restate your intentions after you have placed yourself in a state of tranquillity, love, and calmness.

4. Perform the ritual

Point the Palo Santo stick at the crystals while holding the crystals at a 45-degree angle. Ensure that the smoke is not too close to the crystals.

Lightly blow the smoke in the direction of the crystals as you move the stick around them.

Use your intuition, and carry out the ceremony for however long you like. To clean the crystals, use a gentle, dry towel.

Be aware that this method won’t remove imperfections such as dust or dirt on the crystals’ surface.

If the crystal is water safe, you can use vinegar or salt water to clean the crystals.

The purpose of this ritual is to cleanse any stored or sluggish energy from the crystal’s power and return it to its original state.

Things To Keep In Mind When Cleansing Crystals With Palo Santo

How to cleanse crystals with Palo Santo

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when you are cleansing your crystals with Palo Santo:

  1. When cleansing multiple stones at once, follow the same procedure as for a single stone but with more significant, more expansive movements to ensure that the smoke covers every stone.
  2. After cleaning your stones, open the window to let some fresh air in to avoid having smoke and energy build up in your house. Additionally, doing this will ensure that no smoke alarms are triggered.
  3. Use a fireproof dish or shell to collect any burning embers or ash.
  4. Don’t let your Palo stick burn unattended. Ensure your Palo Santo stick is extinguished once you have purified your crystals.
  5. Palo Santo stick will eventually go out on its own. After frequent use for a long time, a lighter will get hot. If you plan to undertake extensive cleansing, you should instead use a white candle to light your Palo Santo stick. 
  6. A crystal with negative energy will appear to be drawing Palo Santo smoke to it in this way. The smoke will move slowly, appearing to be absorbed by the crystal. The smoke will move past the crystal more quickly as it becomes purer. The crystal is now content and cleansed when you see the smoke flowing at a steady speed. 
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What Is Palo Santo?

Palo Santo, originally from the coast of South America, shares a supernatural ancestry with Copal, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

It is regarded as a highly revered and spiritual tree with purifying energy and therapeutic qualities such as Sage and Cedar.

Palo Santo has a lovely scent of pine, mint, and lemon, but it actually belongs to the citrus family.

Palo Santo is well known for keeping energies clear and driving away bad vibes, but it also has some useful, practical applications.

For example, it produces a nice, fresh smoke that may keep mosquitoes and other flying insects at bay. 

Palo Santo is often sold as a little bundle of cut-down sticks that have been bundled together.

This is how you may use it to clean your crystals, purify your house or office, and get ready for meditation.

Those who are receptive to Palo Santo’s marvelous ways are reported to experience an increase in imagination and good fortune.

The Different Types Of Palo Santo You Can Buy

Different types of Palo Santo you can buy

Palo Santo comes in different forms,…

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