Oracle Card Reading March 20 – 26, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Source

This card is infusing your life with the profoundness of the Spirit – you need to get closer to your true essence and Divine Source. Radiate wisdom, beauty, and compassion through your presence. Radiate your being in all its colors. In your presence, people find it easier to remove their inner fog and experience the Divine within themselves.

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2. Patience

Patience is a superhero virtue and can be considered a lifelong spiritual practice towards emotional freedom. This card invites you to expand your patience skills towards yourself, others, and life itself. Ask yourself what it means to be patient with yourself, others, and life itself. What would your reality look like if you become more patient?

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3. Selfless

When the heart is filled with love, it expresses itself in the form of unselfish action and shares that pure happiness with authenticity. There’s no decision to help others; rather it is a natural and normal thing to do because of a sense of interconnectedness. If this card chose you, it means you an angel on Earth; a being descended here to be in service to humanity and life itself.

See also  Crystal Grid for Protection: Shield Your Spiritual Aura

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Reiki blessings!

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