21 Crystals for Self Love, Self Esteem, and Courage

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Whether you are on a self-love journey or you are well versed in loving yourself, crystals can always help boost your feelings of love and confidence.

They can help you by removing negative energy, boosting self-confidence, and connecting you with the truth of your higher self.

You can use them in meditation practices, carry them with you as touchstones, and just keep them near you to raise your vibes and remind you that you deserve the best in life.

These are the 21 crystals for self-love and confidence (and how to use them!)

21 Crystals for Self Love, Self Esteem, and Courage

Here are 21 of the most powerful crystals for self love:

  1. rose quartz
  2. pink opal
  3. pink tourmaline
  4. pink calcite
  5. rhodochrosite
  6. clear quartz
  7. moonstone
  8. green aventurine
  9. amethyst
  10. malachite
  11. lepidolite
  12. red jasper
  13. amazonite
  14. green jade
  15. smoky quartz
  16. strawberry quartz
  17. selenite
  18. citrine
  19. morganite
  20. rhodonite
  21. carnelian

rose quartz:

rose quartz tumble

Rose quartz is probably one of the most well-known and most powerful crystals for self-love.

In fact, it is known as the crystal of unconditional love and compassion.

Rose quartz is closely related to the heart chakra, helping you open your heart to loving yourself and others. It attracts love of all kinds.

pink opal:

pink opal

Pink opal is one of the best crystals for spiritual awakening, helping you to become more of your authentic self.

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If you struggle with caring what others think, or you find yourself changing who you are to please others, pink opal can help.

Pink opal can help with inner healing, helping you move past painful memories and start fresh.

pink tourmaline:

pink tourmaline palm stone

Pink tourmaline can help heal emotional wounds and inner stress.

It can help you feel more secure, filling your heart with unconditional love.

It can also help free you from people and situations that hold you back.

Pink tourmaline can give you the strength to move on and love yourself!

pink calcite:

three pink calcite crystals

Pink calcite (also known as mangano calcite) brings inner peace and self-compassion.

It helps with self-forgiveness and self-worth. It can help you release blocks and attract authentic love!



Rhodochrosite is the stone for you if you need help accepting love from others and yourself.

It can help you feel worthy of love while boosting your self-esteem. It can help you reconnect with yourself and feel true joy and happiness.

clear quartz:

clear quartz crystal

Clear quartz can be programmed to hold any intention, which means it’s perfect if you are working on self-love and acceptance.

It is known as a master healer and brings balance to every space.

It is a stone of clarity and alignment, helping you see the truth of who you are.

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Moonstone brings clarity, insight, and positivity.

It can show you the way forward in your life, connecting you to your inner feelings.

It is the stone of personal growth and destiny.

It carries the sacred feminine energy of the moon and spiritual self-love.

Moonstone aligns your crown chakra, use it any time you need to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with your dreams.

green aventurine:

green aventurine tumbles

Green aventurine represents good luck and good fortune.

It brings opportunity, optimism, and confidence!

It’s related to the heart chakra, helping you open your heart to growth and a new purpose in life.

It can help you release old patterns and align with success!


amethyst point

Amethyst brings inner peace and wisdom.

It can enhance intuition and meditation, connecting you to your higher self.

It can help you release negative thoughts and protect you from the negative vibrations of others.

It is the stone of inner transformation, healing, and growth.

.Amethyst can open your third eye chakra, allowing you to embrace new beginnings.


malachite tumble

Malachite is one of the most powerful stones for transformation.

It can help you get to the root of the problem.

It protects you from outside influences and move forward from your heart.

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It helps you break patterns and can even help unblock all of your chakras!


lepidolite palm stone

Lepidolite reduces stress and anxiety.

It enhances self-love and positivity.

It brings emotional healing, supporting you while you release negative patterns and negative emotions.

It can also help you connect to the divine and highest good.

Lepidolite is known for aligning your nervous system, helping you feel less anxious.

It can boost your mental health and help you have a more positive outlook on your life.

red jasper:

red jasper

Red jasper is the stone of stability and strength.

It can help you release shame and connect to life-force energy.

It is also a grounding and protection stone that calms emotions and strengthens healthy boundaries.

It can help you feel safe expressing yourself.

Red crystals like red jasper align the root chakra, giving you inner strength.


amazonite crystals

Amazonite helps you…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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