Oracle Card Reading October 02 – 08, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Faith

This card gently offers you supportive and nurturing energies to keep going on your path even when it might get confusing, scary, or weird. Every time your faith is tested, it is also an amazing opportunity to grow your personal power and deepen your empowerment process. You can move mountains! Anxiety no longer has a place in your life because you decide what your future will look like.

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2. Relationships

Be patient and observe the life experience you’re having with another human being. As tough as it might sound, others are not here to make you happy and fulfill your needs but to make you conscious about yourself and your true inner power. Nurture those relationships where you no longer feel the need to hide your true self because therein lies true intimacy, authentic interconnectedness, and blessed vulnerability.

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3. Nothing

Try not to schedule every second of your life. Try not to fill up every crack of the day with “productive” things. This card suggests getting more in touch with the space of nothingness within you. Nothingness is the source of all possibilities. Do less to become more. Give yourself a break. Although it seems like a paradox, doing nothing is the thing to do.

See also  Aura Meaning: What Are Your Aura Colors?

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Reiki blessings!

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