Oracle Card Reading September 19 – 25, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Tribe

It’s time to surround yourself with like-minded people. This card gently invites you to follow your visionary heart and let yourself be pulled by the spiritual magnetism of your tribe. Once centered and confident in your Higher Identity, observe how you attract others into your life who suit you on an energetic level and have the blessed ability to enrich your spirit. You will experience safety and support to freely bloom and expand your being.

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2. Alignment

Not feeling like yourself? Do you feel out of balance? Do you feel something’s missing? Or maybe you lack purpose in your life? Then you need to align yourself with your true desires, your Higher Self, and through it, with the Universe, the Source itself. Aligning is the key to everything you want to achieve in life. Align with your true desires so you can align with your Higher Self. Release thoughts that are out of alignment with the life you want to manifest.

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3. Vessel

Take this card as an invitation to live your life as a vessel of love and light. Silence, patience, and space are your most valuable gifts during this time so focus on developing them! Let Divinity speak and act through you. Your physical body plays a huge role in this because this is the place where the spirit dwells. Thoroughly embrace your humanity, then surrender it to a higher purpose.

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Reiki blessings!

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