Which Zodiac Sign Is The Craziest? (All 12 Ranked)

Our zodiac signs can reveal many traits about us, and there are some traits that are more common to certain signs than others.

For instance, people born under every sign can get to a certain level of crazy, and people born under some signs are crazier than others.

But, what is the craziest zodiac sign, and what is that definition of crazy?

Today we are going to rank all 12 zodiac signs by their level of craziness. Let’s get started.

What Zodiac Zodiac Signs Are The Craziest?

We all have it in us to get crazy once in a while, but some of us are more predisposed to craziness than others, simply based on our zodiac signs.

We have ranked the level of craziness in the zodiac from least crazy to completely over the top.

How does your sign rank?

Let the countdown begin!

12). The Practical Capricorn

Which Zodiac Sign is the Craziest

The most practical and least crazy of all the zodiac signs is Capricorn. People born under this sign tend to be quite down-to-earth and practical.

In fact, they can be practical to the point of being incredibly annoying to others who like to let loose once in a while.

While there are some signs that are deemed too crazy, Capricorns could use a little bit more craziness in their lives once in a while.

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The only trait that anyone could consider crazy coming from a Capricorn is that they are too preoccupied with achieving.

A Capricorn will get crazy when something gets in the way of their success, which can throw them for a loop.

But, this doesn’t mean that you should overlook a Capricorn because they are stable.

In fact, it is just the opposite. While this sign isn’t known for craziness, there is a limit to what a Capricorn will take.

The fuse can be quite short, and when it reaches the end, there will be an explosion of epic proportions.

A Capricorn is more than willing to take revenge on those they feel have done them wrong and won’t think twice about it.

11). The Grounded Taurus

While known for being calm and down-to-earth, those born under the Taurus sign are also known for their extreme stubbornness.

Most people don’t consider Taurus a crazy sign, but they know to watch out for the temper of a Taurean.

It may take a lot to bring a Taurus person to their boiling point. But, when they get there, there is nothing that is safe from the inevitable explosion that is going to happen.

This is when others get to see a whole new level of crazy.

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Luckily, it is usually quite rare to see a Taurean completely lose it.

They are able to keep their emotions under control and always think about the consequences of their actions before making any moves.

On the other hand, there is one thing about Taurus people that drives most others completely crazy: stubbornness.

Once a Taurean has something set in their mind, there is little to nothing that is going to change their opinion.

Even when they know they are wrong, they will stubbornly maintain their position on whatever it is they are being stubborn about.

While some people find this to be a bit crazy, when you come right down to it, a Taurus person is one of the most grounded you will ever meet, which is why they are only number 11 on this list.

10). The Balanced Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

The scales represent Libra, which makes sense, seeing as how Libra people are so balanced and even-tempered.

A typical Libra would much prefer to have a harmonious life rather than get involved with any sort of craziness.

But, this doesn’t mean that Libra can’t be temperamental at times. When they start to feel like nothing is going right, we often see them lose it.

Rather than being crazy themselves, Libra people tend to drive others crazy because it takes them forever to decide on pretty much anything.

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They will weigh all of the options over and over again and consider every minute detail before making any final decisions.

Those born…

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