7 Powerful Stones For A Well Balanced Root Chakra

We all have chakras that run through our bodies and look after specific parts of us. They are wheels of energy and are really important in keeping us happy and healthy.

They work together and need to be open, balanced, and in harmony. 

One of these chakras is the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. It is the first chakra and is important in keeping us grounded and secure. It links us to the earth and allows us to be safe, wherever we are. 

The root chakra is associated with our basic needs and our animalistic side. It provides us with the support we need to be free to follow our dreams. 

Why Use Root Chakra Stones?

Root Chakra Stones

As the root chakra provides us with an important foundation of safety and security, we need to make sure that it is balanced and open.

One way of doing this is through root chakra stones.

To survive and thrive in the physical world, we need to take care of our root chakra. A part of doing this is using stones to balance and open the chakra. 

When our root chakra is not balanced, it might become either overactive or underactive. These both can cause serious issues in regards to our health, peace, and happiness.

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A lot of things can cause an imbalance in your chakras, and is mainly caused by emotional stress. 

However, sometimes an imbalance just happens and we might not be able to discover the cause of it! 

When a chakra is overactive, there is too much energy flowing through it and therefore causing an imbalance within your chakras. When a chakra is underactive, it means that there is a lack of energy flowing through it and it is blocked.

Both can really affect your mental and physical health and spiritual wellbeing, so it is important to know the signs!

When your root chakra is overactive there will be disharmony in regards to your place in the world. You may feel disconnected from what you normally see as important to you, and turn to new things to gain a connection. 

This means you might be overly attached and clingy to people around you or become materialistic. 

An overactive root chakra might also affect your temperament. You might feel angry and impatient with the world. You might have a short temper that affects your relationships with people close to you. 

Similarly, an underactive root chakra can also seriously affect your wellbeing. 

This can also lead to a disconnection from the world and a lack of care towards the people and places around you. You may stop having a focus on your career or hobby, and feel as if you are merely floating through life but not experiencing it.

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An underactive root chakra can also lead to feelings of fear or anxiety.

Because of the issues that disharmony and imbalance in your root chakra can cause, it is really important to know how to heal and open the first chakra. 

The best way to balance your chakras is through crystals.

Crystals and chakras have been inextricably linked for centuries, as the energies from the crystals vibrate through your body and your chakras, connecting them together. 

Root chakra stones are perfect for realigning and relighting your root chakra. 

7 Best Stones For The Root Chakra

Now we know how important the root chakra is, let’s look at the seven best root chakra stones for opening and balancing your root chakra!

The color of the root chakra is red so stones of this color are useful. Darker stones with links to the earth are also great in connecting with your root chakra.

1. Bloodstone


The bloodstone is an extremely powerful crystal. It is a form of chalcedony with specks jasper and both aspects bring strong, grounding vibrations that connect with the root chakra. 

This stone is perfect for those suffering from a disconnect from the world, which an imbalance in the root chakra can cause. 

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Bloodstone protects from unwanted environmental influences, such as electromagnetic vibrations. It allows you to find your place on the earth and become rooted there.

This brings stability and peace. 

It is also a perfect stone to give you a boost of energy if you are feeling drained!

If you are suffering from anger issues and have a short temper, this stone is perfect for calming you and allowing you to see the situation more clearly. 

2. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is an incredible root chakra stone that everyone should have in their home.

This stone purifies, cleanses, and protects.

It transforms negative energy and protects you from the stresses of the world that might cause an imbalance in your root chakra. 

If you are feeling anger or anxiety because of an imbalance in your root chakra, this is the perfect stone for you, and its strong vibrations will open and heal your root chakra, relieving the strain.

Black tourmaline has been used for protection for centuries and can be found all over…

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