10 Crystals for Intuition & Psychic Ability: Tap Into Your Innate Powe

INSIDE: Use these crystals for intuition to enhance your psychic ability and support your spiritual endeavors. They’ll help you raise your vibration and tune into Divine consciousness on a deeper level.


As part of our human conditioning, we have learned to rely on objective evidence when making decisions.

As a matter of fact, we have become so fond of rationalizing everything that dismissing the intuitive hits we receive has become the norm for most people.

But the truth is, intellect and intuition go hand in hand, and in order to lead a fulfilling life, we need to listen to both.

In fact, research published by the Association For Psychological Science has shown that intuition is not only valid but is essential for making important decisions. 

There are many ways we can get in touch with our intuition and learn to listen to our inner voice. Using gemstones is one way.

Let’s dive in and learn how we can use crystals for intuition and psychic abilities now…

How to Tap Into Your Intuition & Psychic Ability With Crystals

Crystals are natural intuition-enhancers. No matter if you intend to work on elevating consciousness, having psychic experiences, or enhancing divination abilities, healing stones can help you change your vibration, making it easier to do so.

Gemstones activate a positive change in our frequency and help us align to receive spiritual downloads. Not only that, but they help us become aware of the conscious and subconscious patterns that drive our behavior, thoughts, and emotions.

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With their help, we can become better at manifesting, better at visualizing, and more importantly, better at trusting ourselves and the Divine.

Before using them, just make sure they are cleansed and ready to fully work their magic. If you’re using them in the closed space, you can also sage the space and the crystal if it feels right.

Amethyst Geodes

Without further ado, let’s look at some practical tips on use crystals for gaining deeper insights and guidance.

Meditate With Crystals

We can do a sitting meditation with a crystal in our hands, or mindfully place them by our side as we are meditating.

Meditation on its own is transcendental, and using gemstones while we do it puts us in touch with our inner guide and makes us more receptive to messages coming through from source.

Chakra Opening

Placing 7 different crystals on our 7 main chakras stimulates the flow of prana. As energy moves through and our energy centers open, we become more sensitized to receive higher knowledge.

We can also lay down, similarly as with Shavasana, and place crystals for intuition on the third eye chakra and/or above the crown chakra to further enhance psychic ability.  

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is the essence of everything; therefore, it’s an essential component of spiritual upgrades. Placing crystals to form a sacred geometry shape will raise the vibration of the room and affect our own energy field.

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The combination of sacred geometry and crystals will naturally enhance our intuitive abilities and create a sacred place for meditation and spiritual introspection.

Crystals for Psychic Ability

Grounding in Solitude

Sitting in stillness with a crystal, similar to meditation, helps us gain deeper insights. When doing mindful grounding, we are open to sensory input, including visuals, smells, and sounds.

This way, crystals enhance our awareness, help us listen to our inner voice, and assist us in gaining a deeper understanding of subtle messages coming in from our environment.

Sleep With Crystals

Keeping crystals for intuition under your pillow at night can help you get spiritual guidance and insight through dreams. They can help with lucid dreaming and enhance our connection with the subconscious.

Furthermore, crystals placed beside the bed can help us remember our dreams more vividly and uncover the secret meaning of symbols within them. 

Tarot & Oracle Cards

For those who like to practice divination, using crystals aligned with tarot cards can help provide greater clarity about a specific matter.

Not only that, but placing crystals on and around tarot cards can help us channel messages from our spirits and illuminate what our subconscious is trying to tell us. 

Our Favorite Crystals for Intuition & Psychic Ability

There are many crystals for psychic ability and intuition, but we certainly have some favorites.

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While all of these stones are powerful, not all will “feel right” for every person, every spiritual practice, and in every given moment. So choose the one(s) that call to you the most.


Amethyst is known as a third eye crystal and a crown chakra crystal for a reason. By first calming us and removing energetic blockages, it makes us more receptive to Divine guidance. Not only that, but helping us get in touch with higher knowledge teaches us how to trust our gut.

As it helps us become more aware of Universal truths, Amethyst naturally heightens our psychic abilities, helping us tune into the tiniest changes in energy.

It helps enhance…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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