10 Ways to Increase Positive Self-Talk

Everyone engages in self-talk. Sometimes this internal conversation happens aloud. But frequently it occurs within the confines of your mind. This dialogue can be good or bad, but these things you tell yourself can encourage and motivate you. Conversely, they can destroy your positivity, self-esteem, and self-worth.

For example, a coworker invited you to lunch. Several of your fellow workers were sitting around a table, and you thought some appropriate jokes would be well received. However, you had to force the jokes, and the laughter was equally pushed.

You embarrassed yourself in front of everyone, and the self-talk on the way home was brutal. Things were going through your mind like:

“Why did I say that?”

“I made an absolute fool of myself.”

“Why am I such an idiot?”

Some folks have mastered letting things roll off their back. They can channel healthy self-talk and say, “Oh, well, at least I tried.” Positive thinking has benefits, but most people are geared towards harmful speech rather than optimistic ideas. The real issue is that you will remember this dialogue at the next outing, and you may be afraid to tell a joke that people will love.

Some folks will go as far as developing anxiety in social situations as they feel awkward and insecure. When you fill your head with negativity, it inhibits you from trying again. Even the best comedians aren’t always going to get the crowd rolling, so you must understand that practice makes perfect.

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10 Tips to Engage in Kinder Self-Talk and Restore Your Positivity

You must develop good, healthy self-talk to help you push yourself to greatness. The Bible says that the power of life and death is within the tongue in Proverbs 18:21, so you can decide whether you will speak blessings or curses over your life. Here are some tips to help you increase your positive self-talk.

1. Cut Overly Negative People Out of Life Whenever Possible

Down days are commonplace, and it’s only normal to have a bad mood on occasion. Consequently, your good days should outweigh the bad. It’s imperative to keep negativity to a minimum, so you must monitor your inner circle.

Every minute of your life counts, and you don’t want to waste any of them dealing with chronically negative folks. Putting proper distance between those who drag you down can help you to be happier and have good inner dialogue. Remember that one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch, and no one likes any decayed fruit hanging around in their “friend basket.”

2. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude in Your Self-Talk

The best way that you can create positive self-talk is to be thankful. Thanksgiving isn’t the only time of the year when you can give thanks. When you develop an attitude of gratitude, it will change your whole outlook on things.

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There’s one way that you can enhance your journey towards being a new and positive you; you need to start a gratitude journal. Make a goal to list five or six things you’re thankful for daily. More goodness will come your way when you start showing the universe how grateful you are for your blessings. Additionally, you will notice that your inner dialogue takes a more optimistic turn.

Many people in this life are homeless and wonder where their next meal will come from, so if you have a home and food, you’re blessed. It’s hard to be negative when you realize your blessings.

3. Visualize Your Success to Increase Positivity

Do you want success so bad you can taste it? Manifesting is quite …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in powerofpositivity.com. All the rights of content are owned by powerofpositivity.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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