11 Spiritual Meanings of a Pig in Dreams (Symbolism)

There are 11 spiritual meanings of a pig in dreams. This also represents the pig symbolism.

People have given pigs several meanings based on religious biases and cultural beliefs.

Let us look into the pig’s spiritual meaning and symbolism to discover if what we know pigs to be is true or not. 

What do Pigs Represent?


Pigs represent an uncanny appetite for growth. This is uncommon to general knowledge and perception, but it is true.

Over the years, we have only associated pigs with greed and dirtiness.

Our biases have stopped us from seeing how deep the pig’s appetite for growth runs. This is why we are quick to resent the presence of pigs around us.

If you desire to grow and make progress, get used to pigs.

As funny and strange as this sounds, it can be a life changer for you.

In the spiritual world, pigs can birth a strong desire for growth in us. Pigs will never sit back and watch things happen. They take responsibility for themselves and push hard at life until success is accomplished.

Furthermore, pigs represent the passion to prove one’s self.

Now, this is what other people term pride. Are pigs proud? Yes, they are.

However, you must understand that this pride came from confidence.

It stemmed from the passion to prove themselves. When you see a pig, it is also stirring your heart in this direction. It is encouraging you to prove your worth to everyone around you

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What do Pigs Symbolize?

Pig symbolism

Because of the hatred for pigs, they are mostly resented and left alone by people. They are hunted down, killed, and sold as pork meat.

Now, seeing a pig brings a message of loneliness.

The pig symbolism talks about living a lonely life. It means that you have been misunderstood by a lot of people who have left you alone.

It is also an encouraging sign. The pig symbolism encourages you to move on with your life.

You will never find a pig begging for friendship or companionship. It stays on its lane and keeps hustling for its daily bread.

In the same manner, the pig symbolism should inspire you to follow suit.

You should never go after people or leech on them. No matter how hard it seems, stay in your lane.

Keep making efforts to succeed, and the right association will find you.

No matter how bad it gets, pigs will always find a friend in other pigs. Now, this is also a message to you.

Even if people misunderstand you, the people who trust you will flock around you, protect you, and make you feel useful.

The pig symbolism is a mind changer. It shifts people’s paradigms and gives them healthy self-esteem.

The Spiritual Meaning of Pigs in Real Life

Spiritual Meaning of Pigs

In real life, pigs mean usefulness. No matter how much people resent pigs, they cannot do without their meat.

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The meat from a pig is highly nutritious. This is why people eat pork meat.

Take away pigs from the equation, and there will be no pork.

Therefore, seeing a pig in real life should remind you that there is something about your life that people need.

This does not mean they will like you, but they will never be able to do certain things without your input. 

In essence, the spiritual meaning of pigs in real life helps you to see how useful and valuable you are.

  • It opens you up to your potential abilities and exposes you to an atmosphere for growth and development.
  • It reminds you that people will always want what you have. This realization will instill confidence and courage into your heart.

Furthermore, the spiritual meaning of pigs in real life also centers around courage. That is, pigs in real life help us to be courageous in the fight for success and victory.

It inspires us to never back down from a fight.

11 Spiritual Meanings of a Pig in Dreams

Spiritual Meaning of a Pig in Dreams

Whenever you dream of pigs, there are 11 spiritual meanings attached. Out of these 11 spiritual meanings, one or two will personally address your situation. These are the ones you should stick with and act upon.

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1) You are useful

Yes, you are useful! Never let anyone look down on you or make you feel unnecessary.

Dreaming of a pig reminds you to never look down on yourself.

People might not like you, but you have something they want, and when the time is right, they will always come back to you.

The pig you just saw in your dream is inspiring you to never look down on your potential.

It might be hard, but not impossible. Pigs go through this a lot and they come out better. So, expect the same result.

2) Stay focused on what you want to accomplish 

Here is another strong message from seeing pigs in your dream.

Once a pig shows up in your dream, it has come to keep you focused on your goals.

Whenever you get to a point of distraction, dreaming of pigs does not mean further distraction.

  • It comes to help your focus.
  • It has come to straighten your inner lens to see ONLY what matters.

Dreaming of pigs tells you to stay focused on what you want to accomplish….

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