Breakfree from Old Ties with Reiki and Archangels Michael and Raphael

“No matter where we live on the planet or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.” – Louise Hay

Every heart deserves love. Everyone deserves to be at peace. Everyone deserves to get good. These thoughts often move me. Thus, I dedicate this write-up to every soul who desires to move forward in life but feels stuck in her old life. Are you someone who is struggling to move beyond the past? This beautiful practice of breaking free from old ties with the help of Reiki and Archangels Michael and Raphael can be your breakthrough (I wish that with all my heart).

Releasing the past with Reiki or angels is not something new. I created an exercise with the help of Reiki and Archangel Michael a few years back. I often think that it is not important to share everything associated with healing with people, they should be able to find their own ways to heal. Lately, I discovered that how many people are stuck in their pasts and how this affects their present lives. I hear their stories and my heart weeps when I see that they are not able to find a way out of their troubles just because they are not able to trace their origin in their backstories. This is not a one-time phenomenon. It has happened every time a person comes to me to talk. This pushes me to share this exercise of releasing the past as I feel that it can give you the impetus to move forward in your life or at least a subtle push.

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What is the purpose of releasing?

Do you know what is the most common word you can hear people utter? The answer is ‘if.’ How many times have you heard people saying this word in expectation of renewal or change. For example, if I would have or have not done that then this would have not happened. Or if I could have done it better then things would have been different. I mean you can understand when people hold grudges that how things went wrong in the past and they cannot change anything because it happened way long back. They mourn over their decisions and curse themselves or the others involved in them. But can this solve anything at all? In my opinion, no.

What we have with us in our hands is the present. Not to forget that the clock is ticking, you got no time to think or lament. It is not possible for you or even me to go back and change things that happened somewhere in the past. I do understand that it is difficult to let go of things that could have happened much better but went out of our hands. Still, none of us can waste our lives crying over that. Life is precious and is meant to be lived. So, instead of changing the past (that is irretrievable) try to release it and make space for new avenues in your life. Let life unfold itself further and bring you light.

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Reiki is a blessing to release the heaps of undesired stuff of the past. Although, Reiki is powerful enough in itself to release the past, by merging this exercise with the angels you get in touch with…

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