11 Spiritual Meanings of Dead Dogs in Dreams (Alive)

In this article, we will look into the spiritual meaning of dead dogs in a dream, and what lies in store for you.

Are you a dog lover like I am? Then, my discoveries about dogs should interest you.

Dogs have been known as man’s best friend for centuries. This will never change till the end of time.

Their loyalty, love, friendship, and fun are enough to brighten the day.

This is why their absence is always felt by owners.

When dogs die, there is a void in our hearts that cannot be filled. It suddenly feels like losing a friend, or family member. The grief that comes from this event is gruesome and heart-wrenching.

Therefore, if you have lost a dog, accept my deepest condolence. Now, this article is not just to sympathize with you; beyond the sympathy, there is something you have to pay attention to.

The death of your dog might be a spiritual message from the universe. Now, you might argue this fact; but it is true nonetheless. 

What does it mean to dream of your deceased dog?

What does it mean to dream of your deceased dog

Dreaming of your deceased dog means that you miss your dog.

For months, I have dreamt about my cute late Anabel. She was so fluffy, playful, and loyal till the end.

After a truck crushed her on a Sunday morning, I felt a pain in my heart for days, and the dream began to come progressively. I realized that these dreams felt like telling a story, which broke my heart much more. 

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Therefore, the first meaning of dreaming about your deceased dog shows that you miss its presence.

Now, if you were not so attached to your deceased dog while it was alive, then, this dream could be about someone close to you.

Dreaming about your deceased dog is an indication that you miss someone close to you (a deceased person).

When we lose a loved one, the pain and trauma can remain for months and even years. Therefore, having this dream is a sign of love and care for the deceased one.

Another meaning of dreaming of your deceased dog is a memory of your past. If this dream comes more than once a day, it is a sign that your past is trying to resurface.

There is more to having this dream about your deceased dog than what you just read. What are these? Find out by reading further.

My dead dog was alive in my dream; what does it mean?

Dead dog alive in a dream meaning

Now, I know that you might be looking for a deep mystical meaning in having this type of dream.

However, the first and important meaning of seeing your dead dog alive in your dream reminds you of the moments you have shared with the dog.

Whenever you have this type of dream, it will mostly be a similar scenario.

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For example, when I had this similar dream of Anabel, I was wearing a similar cloth and hugging her so tightly. This event happened some weeks before she died. 

Now, let us get into the spiritual aspect. Whenever you see your dead dog alive in a dream, it is a message from the universe that your past mistakes are trying to resurface.

Dreaming about dead things is a sign of your past.

Whenever your dead dog is alive in a dream, this is a sign that your past life is trying to gain access to your present. Now, if you had a gruesome past, this might be a bad sign that should be prevented.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Dead Dogs in Dreams

Spiritual Meaning of Dead Dogs in Dreams

Whenever you have a dream about dead dogs, the following spiritual message can be gleaned from this dream.

Now, have it in mind that dreaming about dead dogs does not have to be based on your dead dog. People can dream about dead dogs without having a dog. Therefore, pay attention to this – even if you don’t have a dead dog or a dog.

1) Victory sign

Whenever you dream of a dead dog, it is a message of victory from the universe. In Christianity, dogs are believed to be a sign of spiritual attack.

Therefore, seeing a dead dog means victory over the enemy. If you have felt vulnerable in recent times, this dream is a sign from God that you are in safe hands. 

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2) Let go of your memory

If you dream of a dead dog in a flowing river, it is a sign that your memories need to vanish.

You might have been holding on to those memories because of fear or a lack of confidence.

Now, this dream has come to indicate the perfect timing to let go of those memories.

The dead dog is a representative of your past; while the flowing river is a sign of letting go. Therefore, the combination of both events is a sign that you should let go of your memories (mostly uneventful memories).

3) Someone close to you is going to betray you

Seeing a dead dog means that someone close to you will betray you.

Dogs are loyal animals. They are known as man’s best friends. Seeing this animal is an indication that you will be betrayed by someone close.

Therefore, you should be attentive and cautious.

Seeing a dead dog is not a good sign – especially in the morning. Therefore, pay attention to the timing of this dream. Furthermore, it can come in the form of a flash vision.

4) You need…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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