Crystals for Manifesting Anything You Want (The Ultimate Guide!)

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If you love manifesting on purpose and learning how to supercharge your manifesting power, then you’re really going to love using crystals for manifesting!

Crystals can help you change the vibration of your mind, body, and even your home to help your manifestations come faster and easier!

Crystals for Manifesting Anything You Want (the ultimate guide!)

How do crystals help with manifestation?

Crystals help with manifestation by holding the vibration of your intentions and boosting that signal to the Universe.

Crystals are powerful tools that have their own frequencies and vibrations.

You can match the frequency of the crystal with the frequencies of your specific goals and visions for your life to enhance their summoning power.

You can also program them for your specific needs, use them to help clear negative energy, and set them near your vision board or manifestation journal to give it more power.

Basically, you can use crystals to boost ANY part of your manifesting process, the only limit is you!

crystal tumbles arranged in a circle

How do you use crystals for manifesting?

Once you’ve chosen the manifestation stone you want to work with, using it in your manifestation practice is easy. You just need to:

  • Cleanse the crystal. This clears any vibrations its currently holding and gets it ready for your intentions. Related: How to Cleanse Crystals (+ 6 Signs Your Crystals NEED A Refresh!)
  • Program your crystal. This gives the crystal a job and sets it to work for you.
  • Use it alongside your manifestation practice.
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You can do all sorts of things with the crystal such as:

  • Set it on top of your manifestation journal.
  • Set it near your vision board to charge it.
  • Set it next to your manifestation candles to energize them.
  • Use it during visualization to amplify the process.
  • Use it during meditation.
  • Wear it as jewelry or keep it in your pocket to remind you to hold the vibration of what you want.
  • Set it in the feng shui bagua area of your home related to the manifestation you’re calling in to boost the energy of your home.
  • Place it under your bed or pillow at night to help you receive insight from the Universe.
  • Use it for chakra healing to align your chakras and remove blocks so you are clear to receive what you want.
  • Create a crystal grid to amplify your manifestation.
heart crystal, smudge stick, and selenite manifestation crystals on wood table

Best Crystals for Manifestation

These crystals for manifestation help with ANY manifestation you’re attempting to call in.

You can program them to boost all law of attraction techniques and they will work for all of them.

If you are new to manifesting with crystals and don’t have many crystals in your collection, choose one of these to work with first!

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Good crystals for manifesting:

Golden Topaz

golden topaz crystal

Golden topaz, also known as imperial or yellow topaz, is one of the best manifestation crystals for intention setting.

Intentions are one of the most important parts of manifesting, so using golden topaz can help you become crystal clear in your desires.

It is also associated with having confidence and a positive outlook that can help your manifestations come true.

It is associated with the solar plexus chakra, helping generate feelings of stability and security.

Clear Quartz

woman's hand holding clear quartz point

Clear quartz crystals are master healers, is one of the most popular crystals for manifesting because it can hold or amplify ANY intention.

You can use it to broadcast your manifestations to the Universe or to gain clarity in any situation where you need it.

Program your clear quartz to hold your intentions and keep them clear and focused. Clear quartz helps balance and harmonize all of the chakras.

Tiger’s eye

tiger's eye

Tiger’s eye is the stone of manifesting and accomplishing goals.

It is a powerful protection stone, which is helpful if you have people around you who don’t support your dreams.

It can help you harness your personal power and take action.

It is associated with the root chakra, helping your energy remain stable even in overwhelming situations.

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Related: 25 Crystals for Positivity That Will Make Your Day Better

Crystals for Manifesting Money and Success

These are the top three crystals for manifesting money and success.

They already hold the vibrations and frequencies of abundance, wealth, financial success, and achieving your dreams.

Keep one in your home’s feng shui money area to help boost abundance vibes throughout your life.


citrine crystal

Citrine is the “merchant’s stone” and is associated with money and success in business but also in life.

It attracts joy, abundance, positive thinking, and clarity. It can also boost creativity and motivation, helping you make your dreams a reality.

If you own a business, place citrine next to the cash register to help it attract money all day long!

Citrine is associated with the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra, helping you remain steady and have the willpower to go after what you want.


pyrite crystal

Pyrite is a stone for…

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