11 Ways to Build Empathy in Children, According to Age

Empathy is an awareness of the emotions and feelings of others. It’s having compassion for others as if you were going through what they’re experiencing. You’re not born empathetic. Instead, this compassion is something you need to learn. Likewise, you can teach empathy to your children. 

11 Ways to Teach Children About Empathy

Here are eleven ways to build empathy in children, regardless of age. 

1. Empathize with your child 

The best way to teach empathy to a child is for them to experience that caring from you. When you show your children compassion and kindness, it creates a secure bond with them. They learn to trust you. This strong bond helps them to adopt your values. They begin to model your empathetic behavior. Empathy towards your child could be

Caring about their emotional and physical needs Understanding their personality Respecting their personalitiy  Having a genuine interest in them Guiding them toward activities for their personal growth and enjoyment

2. Understand their feelings

Make an effort to understand your child’s feelings. This communicates a caring attitude. Create an environment where your child feels heard. Even if you can’t understand the depth of how your child is feeling, your expressions of interest will make them feel acknowledged. Your actions teach them to listen to others’ feelings and try to understand the best they can what the other person is going through. 

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3. Using empathetic statements

Part of teaching kids to be empathetic is to make statements that express empathy. These statements show compassion and caring without judgment. Some of the empathy statements you can make include these:

What you’re saying makes sense.  You’re going through a tough time. I’m sure you feel hopeless at times.  I wish you didn’t have to go through this.  That sounds so hard for you. I agree with you on that. No wonder you feel so upset.  I’m sure I’d feel the same way in your situation.  This problem must be very annoying. That sounds so scary. I would also feel disappointed by that.  What you’re saying makes me feel sad, too.  That must have hurt.  Let me know what you think are your choices right now. 

4. Start teaching empathy at a young age

Kids are sponges. They learn from those around them. They notice little things like how you treat the server at restaurants or the people at the grocery. Whatever you model, they see. As you display friendliness, they will too. When they see you expressing concern for a new family at school, they’ll emulate this to those around them. This observation is the beginning of their empathy lessons. 

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5. Talk about your feelings and how others are feeling

Narrate your day and how you feel about things happening with people around you. This conversation helps broaden a child’s understanding of the people around them. You can say these:

I’m excited about picking up the flowers for grandma’s birthday. She’s going to be so surprised.

I don’t think Dad liked getting a flat tire on the way to work. The poor guy was late. 

These statements teach your kids to be aware of others and to anticipate how they feel in their situation. 

6. Be patient

Your kids won’t be empathetic overnight. Like you, they’re imperfect beings. Sometimes they’ll be selfish and unkind. Being human is to get it …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in powerofpositivity.com. All the rights of content are owned by powerofpositivity.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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