7 Amazing Signs Of An Introvert Empath

If you are an empath, or if you have been learning about empaths, you probably already know that there are several different types of empaths, including animal empaths, earth empaths, and intuitive empaths.

There is also the introvert empath, which we are going to discuss here today.

This is a person who is in tune with the emotions of others, but who is even more sensitive than the typical empath.

Yes, all empaths are extremely sensitive, but the introvert empath takes this sensitivity to new levels, whether they want to or not.

If you are an empath, and you are wondering if you could possibly be an introvert empath, keep reading.

There will be a lot of information that will directly relate to you.

We are going to look at the main signs of being an introvert empath, and how to cope if you are one. Let’s get started.

What is an Introvert Empath?

When a person is highly aware of the emotions of others and tends to take on these emotions as their own, chances are that they are an empath.

But, there is so much more to being an empath, and there are several different types of empaths.

Unfortunately for the empath, the things that others see as gifts are often quite stressful.

The empath is a highly sensitive person, and an introvert empath is often overwhelmed in a crowd of people because there are so many emotions swirling around.

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Most empaths seem to have a difficult time putting themselves first, and they tend to focus more on the needs of others.

While this is great for other people, it can leave the empath feeling drained.

It can be much worse for the introvert empath.

Before we can really get into what an introvert empath is, let’s take a look at the definition of a traditional introvert.

What is an Introvert?

An Introvert Empath

Studies show that an introvert is someone who has more blood flow to their brain than an extrovert.

Because the blood flow creates stimulation to all parts of the body, the introvert can become much more stimulated than the extrovert.

Introverts tend to prefer being with smaller groups of people, or even better, alone.

They don’t care for a lot of noise or business, and they enjoy hobbies that are quiet and creative, such as reading and arts and crafts.

Often, when in situations where there are large groups of people, the introvert can easily become tired and overwhelmed.

At this point, all they really want to do is go home.

Are You an Introvert Empath?

Just because someone is an empath, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are an introverted empath.

Yes, they both have many of the same sensitivities, but the latter is even more sensitive to the vibrations of others.

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The introverted empath has the same gifts as any empath, but they feel things even deeper than other empaths.

They also have a much greater desire to not be among large groups of people.

If you are in tune with the emotions, feelings, and needs of others, but you also prefer solitude or the company of one or two people rather than large gatherings, chances are that you are indeed an introvert empath.

Many introvert empaths feel that they are not understood by others, and they are often considered (mistakenly) as being shy.

This is likely because they tend to not get involved with many group activities and prefer smaller groups or complete solitude.

7 Introvert Empath Signs & Traits

an introvert empath sitting by the window

As previously mentioned, many of the signs and traits of the introvert empath are similar to those of any empath.

But, there are a few very distinct differences, which we are going to discuss here.

Let’s take a look at the seven main introvert empath signs and traits.

If you see yourself in any of these, it may be that you are an introvert empath, and you can learn much about why you feel the way you do.

1. Introvert Empaths Love to Help Others

One of the main characteristics of any empath is that they have a great need to help others.

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They love to do this, and they are always there for those who need them.

While the introvert empath prefers solitude, they will not hesitate to help others in their time of need.

In fact, they actually enjoy doing so.

The introvert empath is someone who cares deeply about other people.

Even if their own energy is completely drained, they will not hesitate to come to the aid of others when needed.

An empath is known for their caring nature. An introvert is known as being a very thoughtful person.

When you combine these two traits, it is no wonder that the introvert empath is someone who wants to do all that they can for friends, family, and even strangers.

2. Introvert Empaths are Great Listeners

No matter what is going on in an introvert empath’s life, and no matter how overwhelmed they are feeling, they will not hesitate to be there for others.

This is because they feel so strongly,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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