13 Traits a Creative Genius Displays (Without Realizing It)

You often hear the word creativity, but do you know what it means? Perhaps, you’re a creative genius but don’t realize it. People are fascinated by creative folks, as their minds tend to work in ways the average person doesn’t understand.

Look at some historical examples, such as Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein. These men were on a whole different level because their intellect was far above their peers. Where would the world be without the inventions of these two men?

Maybe it’s time for you to unleash your inner creativity and walk into the genius aspects of your gifts. The world could be waiting for your discovery to change things for the better.

Thirteen Traits of a Creative Genius

How does one know if they’re a creative genius like some of the masterminds? There are some easy-to-identify signs that you can’t ignore. Here are a few of them.

1. A Lack of Self-Consciousness Is a Sign of Creativity

Many people get caught up in caring what others think. However, the open-minded creative genius is not this type of person. Look at Einstein’s classic hairdo.

It was chaotic at best, but do you think he cared what others thought of him? No! He was comfortable in his skin, and the world’s opinions didn’t faze him.

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2. A Creative Genius Stays Optimistic

Creative masterminds often fail many times before they strike gold. Consider Milton Hershey, the creator of the Hershey Company. According to the Hershey Community Archives, he filed for bankruptcy three times before he finally sold his chocolate idea to the world.

These masterminds will stop at nothing to accomplish whatever they set their mind to do. They remain optimistic even when the whole world is against them. In most cases, they have the intelligence to do what needs to be done. So the actual challenge is to sell everyone else on their idea.

3. A Creative Genius Is Open to New Experiences

Being open-minded is part of the creative genius process. If you’re not willing to look outside the realm of what society dictates as “normal,” you will never see what could be out there. Picasso would have never made it so big if he didn’t have a vision for his paintings.

A creative genius strives to change their life for the better. They desire to experience the unexpected and crave something outside the norm.

4. Cognitive Flexibility and Creativity Work Together

According to Science Direct, cognitive flexibility is a critical decision-making task. It is the capability to modify actions in reaction to changes around them. A cognitively flexible person can see the world through new eyes continuously.

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They can transform and go with the flow when things go in a direction they didn’t expect. Since they can easily switch from one task to another, their flexibility helps them with their high level of intelligence. Their minds and eyes are always open because they know the most incredible things happen when you least expect them.

5. Doesn’t Fit in with The Crowd

The creative genius has a hard time fitting in with the crowd. They’re outsiders who are often the source of much ridicule. They don’t think like everyone else, so their intelligence separates them from others.

Sometimes this person is accepted and shunned simultaneously, which can be hard to comprehend. They usually have very few friends, and they prefer the company of themselves, as most of these open-minded ..

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