15 Life Lessons Brené Brown Has Taught Us

With so much talk about authenticity and vulnerability, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable with the concept. You might think you’re being yourself just by living, but there’s a bit more to it. These life lessons from Brené Brown offer helpful insight into living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Many people are uncomfortable with being vulnerable, especially at work, school, or in social situations. However, it opens you up to so many possibilities because it leads to being authentic. It involves being self-aware and willing to change detrimental behaviors.

While the concepts can be intimidating to think about, it might help if you understand why you should live this way. Knowing the reasons will give you motivation and determination to hone in on being authentic, vulnerable, and self-aware.

Brené Brown can give you the answers you need while also giving you confidence in your ability to embrace life. Her honest quotes can help you make beneficial changes in your life, allowing you to improve all aspects. Advice from Brené Brown will help you live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Who is Brené Brown?

Brené Brown is a bestselling author, researcher, storyteller, and professor of social work at the University of Houston. She studies shame, courage, empathy, and vulnerability, and often speaks about being authentic.

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Brené Brown was named the more influential woman in 2009 in the Houston Woman Magazine. Additionally, she’s received teaching awards related to her achievements in Social Work.

Brené Brown believes that strength comes from being vulnerable and encourages people to choose “courage over comfort.” She prioritizes gratitude during the life journey because it leads to the vulnerability you need.

15 Life Lessons from Brené Brown

Brené Brown’s lessons will help you see how to improve your life and live fully. These inspiring quotes will help you make changes that lead to being a better version of yourself.

1. “What’s the greater risk? Letting go of what people think – or letting go of how I feel, what I believe, and who I am?”

This quote teaches that you should never let go of your values so that others don’t think less of you. It might seem easier to go along with what other people want, but it’s not. As Brown explains, the bigger risk is letting go of how you feel and who you are.

2. “Nothing has transformed my life more than realizing that it’s a waste of time to evaluate my worthiness by weighing the reaction of the people in the stands.”

Another of the valuable life lessons from Brené Brown is that people watching you live your life can’t dictate your worthiness. They are simply observers, not active participants, and their opinion doesn’t matter. Don’t weigh yourself against the standards of others, especially not the ones who sit back and watch.

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3. “Somehow we’ve come to equate success with not needing anyone. Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we’re very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It’s as if we’ve divided the world into “those who offer help” and “those who need help.” The truth is that we are both.”

You must remember that you can give help and ask for help. Asking for help doesn’t make you less successful.  If you never hesitate to help others but won’t ask when you need something, it’s time to make a change. As Brené Brown explains, everyone who offers help needs help at some point.

4. “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”

This lesson tells you that being vulnerable …

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