20 Signs Your Manifestation Is Not Working (& What To Do About It)

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When it comes to manifestation, sometimes it can feel like you aren’t really in control or like you’re just wishing and hoping that your manifestation is going to happen.

This is especially true when you first start manifesting on purpose, or when you are trying to manifest something you’ve never manifested before (and you’re not sure what you’re doing!)

Here are some signs your manifestation is not working – these are KEY to figuring out if you really are going to get what you want!

signs your manifestation is not working

20 Signs Your Manifestation Is Not Working

You didn’t ask for it.

You can’t get something you don’t ask for!

If you haven’t asked the Universe to bring you what you want, or you haven’t set a deliberate intention to manifest something, how are you going to get it?

The first step of manifestation is to be really clear on what you want, and then ask for it!

You don’t feel excited about it.

If you don’t feel excited about what you are trying to manifest, chances are good your manifestation method isn’t going to work.

You don’t have to feel elated and overjoyed every time you work on manifesting, but if you are trying to manifest something and you aren’t excited about it – why are you bothering?

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If you don’t feel happy about what you’re manifesting, work on manifesting something you ARE excited about.

It feels like it isn’t working.

Does it feel like your manifestation method is working?

Or do you feel like it isn’t working?

If you are working with energy, you can usually tell whether or not something is working for you.

It’s an inner knowing – you either know it or you don’t.

If you feel like it isn’t working for you, try a different manifestation method until you DO feel like it’s working.

You are receiving negative signs from the Universe.

If you ask the Universe for a sign that your manifestation is coming – did you receive it?

Or did you receive a negative sign, like something bad happening?

Sometimes negative manifestations can be a sign that the Universe is moving things around to give you what you want.

For example, if you are manifesting a new job, you might get fired from your current one.

If you’re asking for more money, you might manifest something breaking or a large unexpected bill.

Usually, that’s a sign that things ARE working.

But if you’re getting negative signs, like a bad gut feeling, an illness, or something keeps happening that stops you from making move towards what you want – that can be a sign your manifestation isn’t working.

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You have a lot of doubts or don’t believe it will work.

If every time you try to manifest you have a lot of doubts and limiting beliefs pop up, it’s better to work through them instead of trying harder or affirming over them.

It’s kind of like trying to run a marathon with 10 lb ankle weights – you might get where you want to go but it’s not going to be easy or fun.

Working through your doubts and limiting beliefs will help you manifest more quickly and more easily!

You aren’t taking inspired action.

While it’s possible to manifest without taking any action at all, USUALLY you will be guided to take some sort of action.

It can be a small nudge that seems completely unrelated to your manifestation and make NO sense, but if you aren’t receiving these nudges at all, it can mean it’s not working.

illustration of girl meditating with flowers

You are questioning the Universe.

If you’re questioning whether the Universe is going to bring you what you want, it can get in the way.

You have to believe (even just a little!) that you can have what you want.

Questioning the Universe and the law of attraction can mean that you’re still in the asking phase and not in the receiving phase.

You don’t really want it or you want something else.

Do you really want what you say you want?

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Or do you want something else?

If you don’t really want what you’re trying to manifest then it isn’t going to come.

The Universe will respond to what you actually WANT, but saying you want something else can get in the way.

If you are trying to manifest new clients in your online business but what you really want is a job in a different field, the Universe might bring you the clients but it’s not going to be a smooth and seamless manifestation.

It’s going to be hard because that’s not what you really want!

Go for what you really want instead!

You’re indecisive.

If you don’t KNOW what you want, this can also make your manifestation not work.

Sending a clear signal and making a decision will always make manifestation happen more quickly.

You’re pushing against reality.

Pushing against reality means that you are trying to manifest in order to get away from your current reality.

Abraham calls this “making peace with where you are.”

If the…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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