How To Recognise If Trauma Is Affecting Our Reiki Practice

Most of us, when we hear the word trauma, conjure up images of rape or war, thinking no, this doesn’t apply to me. But a lot of things that we accept as normal can leave us experiencing a trauma response, like accidents, sudden events like an unexpected break up or death of a loved one, being subjected to or witnessing physical abuse, prolonged emotional abuse, etc. If we didn’t have the resources to deal with the trauma response at the time, the mind hides away the pain in the body to deal with later. This can show up years later in our lives and affect our spiritual work.

Reiki is a very powerful tool and can help us reach a state of beautiful equilibrium, this serene tranquillity, even if all of life is crumbling in front of our eyes and beneath our feet, all we need is to maintain a 30 to 40 minute daily practice. But there can be unexpected, unseen obstacles from the forgotten past.

Here are some signs that suppressed trauma could be interfering with your Reiki practice.

You make excuses for not practicing regularly, or you seek shortcuts.

Most of us have enough time. Unless the only option to earn enough to survive is to be stuck in a 72 hours per week job – yes, these are genuinely tough situations – most of us do have a choice, and we use that choice to watch cat videos instead of practicing Reiki. Reiki is without exception, the easiest system to practice, we can do at least a little bit of Reiki every time our hands are free.

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When we weren’t prioritised by our parents, we learn not to prioritise ourselves and our own well-being. In such a case, we end up wasting time and seeking instant gratification instead of investing in our long term progress.

Guilt and shame cripple you.

Abusive relationships use guilt and shame as a means of control and when this becomes a habit, we tend to spiral into crippling guilt and shame, repeating erroneous behaviour instead of simply taking action to correct our mistakes. We feel guilty and ashamed of previous behaviour and often we punish ourselves by taking actions which cause us even more guilt and shame. Compulsively seeking approval from others even at the cost of one’s well-being is also a typical long term trauma response.

How To Recognise If Trauma Is Affecting Our Reiki Practice

Autoimmune disorders.

Autoimmune disorders typically develop when the body is experiencing abuse, either physical or emotional. Especially in the case of emotional abuse this can be quite hard to acknowledge and accept because there can be quite a lot of affection and attachment in such relationships too.  But a closer look is needed at the nature of these relationships, along with a focus on learning how to draw healthy boundaries.


Not all diseases are triggered by trauma, obviously, but in the case of extreme suppression of emotions, trauma can manifest as a big or small disease. When clients tell me something like ‘oh I don’t feel bad about it since this year began’ and their disease began around the same…

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