4 Ways to Heal Your Root Chakra to Feel Grounded, Safe, and Stable

Safety, security, and stability. As human beings, these are things that we instinctively desire – things that are essential to our well-being and happiness. But what do these things look like to you? Is it food on

the table, or a roof over your head? Though we all have essential needs that need to be met, achieving a sense of centeredness and belonging isn’t always so simple.

Everything could look good on the surface: You could have your dream house, the job you’ve always wanted, and all of the material comforts anyone could ever desire – and still, there may be something inside of you that feels as if you’re walking on shaky ground. That’s because security isn’t just a physical experience – it’s deeply rooted in the spiritual. That’s where the Root Chakra comes in.

In this blog, I’ll show you 4 Ways to Heal Your Root Chakra to Feel Grounded, Safe, and Stable.

Anyone who knows me knows I love working with chakras. I’ve studied the chakra system for years, and what I’ve learned is that almost all feelings of dis-ease can be traced to a particular chakra in need of alignment. Your Root Chakra is your center of stability and connection to the physical world. It’s located at the base of your tailbone and, along with the Earth Star Chakra, serves as the foundation of your energy. If you ever feel anxious, nervous, or dizzy – almost as if you have vertigo – it can be a sign that this energy center is out of alignment.

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Feeling ungrounded is one of the main challenges that energy workers and empaths face, especially for those who work often with higher dimensions. And yet, staying grounded is a critical part of the work we do. Think of your energy as a house: Without a stable foundation, the entirety of it will be affected. Activating and healing your Root Chakra is the key to feeling safe, supported, and seen – no matter what’s happening around you. It’s also the key to manifesting visions that are stable and long-lasting. If your Root Chakra is in need of some attention, here are four easy ways to open it and bring it into balance.

4 Ways to Heal Your Root Chakra

1. Get into nature

When was the last time you connected with Gaia? If you’re like me and find yourself perpetually trying to strike a healthy balance between work, self-care, family, and friends, it’s easy to forget to tend to your relationship with Mother Earth. Take time regularly to go outside and get grounded, in whatever way feels right for you. It could be as simple as a walk through the park or a few minutes spent meditating or doing yoga in the grass. You’ll be surprised at how much more calm and centered you feel after spending a few moments outdoors.

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2. Bring Earth into your home

For the times when you can’t be outside, you can bring Mother Earth indoors. When decorating your bedroom, meditation space, or any other area of your home, set the intention to ground and center surrounding vibrations. You can do this with plants, gemstones, or any other spiritual tools that help you feel protected and stable. Take your spiritual tools a step further by building a Root Chakra altar, filled with things that symbolize your connection to the Earth.

3. Work with healing gems

There are so many incredible Root Chakra-opening gems that you can work with. Some of my favorites are black tourmaline, jet, onyx, red jasper, and red aventurine. You can incorporate these stones into meditation or healing work, build a Root Chakra …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SageGoddess.com. All the rights of content are owned by SageGoddess.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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