Reiki for Gynaecological Conditions

35-year-old Nisha started having menstrual pain and heavy bleeding during her menstrual cycles after her second pregnancy, which aggravated further, especially after getting a tubectomy. Post-tubectomy, she started bleeding profusely and had severe pelvic pain before and during her menstrual cycle. She used to dread those period days that made her paralysed and ambulatory most of the time. The excruciating pain would make her feel even more helpless.

Upon transvaginal ultrasound, her uterus was bulky, showing evidence of a thick anterior wall with a coarse myometrial echo pattern, a focal lesion, and tiny cystic spaces in the myometrium, while the cervix showed multiple nabothian cysts. Nisha was diagnosed with adenomyoma. Her gynaecologist suggested she undergo hysterectomy as a conclusive solution to her pain and heavy bleeding. While contemplating an alternative to a major surgery like hysterectomy, Nisha approached me for Reiki healing.

What is Adenomyoma?

Adenomyoma or adenomyosis is clinically defined by abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue into the myometrium (muscle wall of the uterus) and is associated with myometrial hypertrophy or hyperplasia. It is a common yet challenging clinical condition because the aetiology and pathophysiology of adenomyoma have not been fully understood by the medical community. This makes its management very difficult.

The prevalence of adenomyoma extends up to 70% in women and is commonly found in the premenopausal reproductive age ( Although the symptoms of adenomyoma are similar to those of endometriosis and fibroids, which include menorrhagia (heavy or prolonged bleeding), chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual periods) and dysparenuria (painful sexual intercourse), the differential diagnosis can be done by transvaginal ultrasound or MRI scan.

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Current treatment options for adenomyoma include medications, surgery, or minimally invasive procedures such as endometrial ablation, or myomectomy, or uterine artery embolization, with very little or no scope for relief from symptoms. To date, hysterectomy remains the definitive treatment. However, for women who want to preserve their uterus for fertility and childbearing, and considering the side effects of medical management and the risk that invasive procedures hold, holistic approaches remain a much sought-after alternative to conventional treatment options.

Reiki for Gynaecological Conditions

Almost all illnesses have their origins at the mental-emotional levels, further percolating and manifesting at the physical level at a later stage. According to Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Body, gynaecological disorders are associated with self-dissatisfaction, insecurities, and frustration at not being able to speak up.

From a metaphysical perspective, gynaecological conditions may be related to fears and anxieties revolving around sexuality, childbirth, and pregnancy and can also extend to discomforts…

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