11 High Vibration Crystals & How to Use Them to Raise Your Frequency

INSIDE: Every crystal is unique and possesses a different set of healing properties. Of all the crystals out there, here are some of the most high vibration crystals available. 


There are thousands of crystals to choose from and knowing which ones are right for you can be challenging. However, as you continue to learn about all the different healing stones, you will find some high vibration crystals that can help you like none other.

Here, we’ll walk through our list of high vibration crystals, plus some facts you might not know about them.

What Are High Vibration Crystals?

All crystals carry their own unique energy, abilities, and vibration. Some crystals have lower frequency vibrations while others are high vibration crystals. 

When we work with these crystals, they enable us to transform our own vibrations which can help us increase energy, elevate our mood, and connect more deeply to higher consciousness. 

Here are some important things to know and consider…

High Vibration Crystals Are Not Better Than Others 

All crystals have their benefits and uses. We use them for different reasons and it is important to remember that ‘powerful’ isn’t always what we need when healing. It’s all about balance when using crystals and that’s why incorporating a variety of different energies has the most benefit. 

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What Are They Used For?

Crystals with higher vibrations are often used for those on a spiritual journey. They come in handy when we need to shift ourselves out of a low energy state or change our way of thinking. Essentially, high vibe crystals work well when we need to raise our own energy levels. 

Are They Rare?

It is a common belief that these stones are rare and expensive. However, there are many available and affordable high vibration crystals. If you have already begun your crystal collection, you might even have some!

Our List of High Vibration Crystals

All crystals and healing stones have special healing properties, the difference is how you feel and respond to a crystal. None are better or worse; healing takes time and spiritual growth is a process. These high vibration crystals may already be a part of your crystal collection! 



Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals available and it has a high vibration. This crystal works with the third eye and crown chakra, which helps strengthen our spiritual connection and enhance our abilities. It turns negative energy into positive energy and is an excellent crystal to have in your arsenal. 



This celestial stone is becoming more difficult to find and large stones can be expensive. This crystal has a high vibe that helps release old ways of thinking that no longer serve us, and it helps with self-limiting beliefs. Use this crystal when you need a new beginning or a change of thinking. 

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Selenite is a high vibration crystal that is abundant and affordable. It rejects bad energy and efficiently cleanses and increases the vibration of any area. It is especially useful if you are on a spiritual journey

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

The “Master Healer,” Clear Quartz, is an excellent addition to any crystal collection. It not only has a high vibration itself, but it also amplifies the energy of the stones around it. Clear Quartz works to repel negativity while clarifying the spiritual, mental and physical planes. 



Kyanite aligns with all the chakras, which makes it excellent for achieving balance and removing any mental blockages that hinder you from being your best self. Additionally, this crystal is protective and cleansing all at the same time. 

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is a high vibration crystal that is a beacon of light and elevates our consciousness. It is a great crystal for finding understanding as well as opening our heart and mind to new perceptions. Rutilated Quartz has a powerful angelic energy that evokes divine imagination and guides us on our spiritual path.

Super Seven

Super Seven

Super Seven, otherwise known as the “Sacred Stone” or “Melody Stone,” is a very rare stone that contains seven crystals in one, including: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz and Quartz.

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Super Seven takes on all the powers of the seven crystals it is composed of, giving it a potent healing energy. It is very protective and allows us to reach a place of clarity, focus, and creativity.

Lemurian Quartz

Lemurian Quartz

This is a popular stone amongst healers because it is great for guidance and it promotes spiritual growth and helps us see our lessons. Lemurian Quartz connects deeply with ancient wisdom and higher dimensions, and it revitalizes our life force energy.



Citrine is a stone that brings light, happiness and good energies to anyone in its presence. These high vibration crystals encourage motivation, creativity and self-expression. Engaging with this crystal on a daily basis frees us from negative traits that no longer serve us and provides emotional…

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