How to Have a More Positive Relationship with Life (5 new perspectives) — Follow Your Own Rhythm

5 New Perspectives to Adopt to Have a More Positive Relationship with Life

1.. Things don’t happen AGAINST you, but FOR you. 

Life, God, the Universe does not have an intention of harming or punishing you.  Life is not your enemy.  Life is not conspiring against you even when there seems to be a series of roadblocks and inconveniences in your life.

For one, you simply attract energies and experiences that match your current vibrational frequency.  If you’re constantly negative, complaining, and engaging in mind numbing and soul sucking activities, you are going to attract experiences that have a similar low vibration. 

Two, EVERYTHING that happens to you is here to WAKE YOU UP.  Everything is a wake up call.  Everything is a lesson.  Everything is a growth opportunity.  Everything is guiding you back to your truth. Once you start looking at life from this perspective, challenges will turn into opportunities, and your life will open up to a magical reality. 

2. You are not cursed or unlucky. 

You weren’t born with a flaw, curse or inability to live a good life or become a confident, successful, and happy person.  You are simply programmed to have negative beliefs about yourself and life, and it is these programmed beliefs that are causing you to feel flawed and incompetent.  The truth is, you are born whole, perfect, and complete.  You are capable of becoming whoever you want to be. You are capable of living an enjoyable life with positive experiences. You are neither lucky or unlucky, because you create your own reality. 

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3.  You are not a victim. 

As mentioned earlier, things don’t happen AGAINST you, they simply just happen.  Sure people might have bad intentions and want to take advantage of you, but you are only a victim as long as you allow them to take advantage of you.  You are not a helpless and powerless little person who has to wait for the outside world to change in order to be happy and free.  You need to take responsibility for yourself.  You are responsible for how you feel, think, and interact with life.  You are responsible for your perspective, your mindset, your attitude, your beliefs, and your behaviors. Own your power to choose thoughts, feelings and behaviors that align with how you want to live your life.  

4. There is a lesson in everything.  

Every single thing you experience, person you come in contact with, encounter you have, mistake you make, thing you see, circumstance you go through HAS SOMETHING TO TEACH YOU.  There is wisdom in everything and everything is an opportunity for growth.  Everything that happens to you is here to expand your perspective, open your heart and mind, and raise your level of consciousness. 
As Bruce Lee said, ”a wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise man.”           

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That’s the attitude and mindset you need to have.
Everything has the potential to WAKE YOU UP to an even deeper reality. It is your job to be on the lookout for how you can learn and grow from each of your experiences, no matter how dreadful, hard, or annoying they are.

5. Everything happens for a reason.   

There is a Divine order to life. Everything happens according to a Higher plan; a Higher truth.  There are certain things you have to experience before you can get to the next phase in your life.  You have a unique journey to take.  And everything happens in Divine timing that aligns with your Higher purpose.  You have to trust that.  You have to trust in the process.  You have to let go of the resistance, the fight, the complaining, the “why me” mindset and SURRENDER.  You have to let go and flow with life. Trust that you’re right where you need to be and you’re going through exactly what you need to go through. Everything is happening in Divine order.  

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