Honoring our Solar Cosmic Father for Father’s Day

June 19 is Father’s Day, the traditional time to honor the father figures in our lives. Being and having a father can be wonderful, and also challenging. Many of us have lost our fathers or are experiencing broken father relationships. As well as, or instead of our biological Father, some of us find father figures in surrogate or adoptive fathers, uncles, or grandfathers.

Some of us don’t find those father figures until later in life, whether through a teacher, mentor, or other companions – and masculine ‘Father’ figures can be anybody – women, too! Feminine and masculine do not exist without each other, and bringing them into balance has the profound power to heal ourselves and the Earth. No matter how Father figures show up for you in this physical plane of existence, I’m inviting you to consider the role the Divine Masculine plays in your life while Honoring our Solar Cosmic Father for Father’s Day.

Who is the Solar Cosmic Father?

The Solar Cosmic Father is the personification of the Divine Masculine and is known throughout time and across cultures by many different names: Ra, Anu, Jesus, Surya, Zeus, Ranginui, and many more. The Divine Masculine represents consciousness itself, that which never changes. Masculine energy is assertive, active, and wants to ever-explore new territory. We are each made up of feminine and masculine energy and our masculine nature is the part of us that wants to break away from the status quo and establish a strong, individualized self.

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The Solar Cosmic Father also embodies the energy of the Sun – the primary ray of energy from which everything else is created. The Sun never fails to shine, always “rises” to meet us, and sustains all life on Earth. Father’s Day falls in the week before Litha, one of eight traditional Pagan holidays, also known as summer solstice – the longest day of the year. It’s the Sun’s day, honoring the Solar Cosmic Father and bringing us all back to our center – to our hearts and the creative source of everything.

It’s a time to step out in faith and imagine what’s possible for yourself. The Solar Cosmic Father supports us in this by inspiring us to be confident and independent. He guides us to let our inner light shine as we forge new and exciting paths.

5 Ways to Honor and Connect with Our Solar Cosmic Father

1. Be a Father to Yourself

This Father’s Day, I challenge you to turn the lens inward and examine your wounds. Think about the male figures in your life. Were they supportive? Think about your male friends, romantic partners, or siblings – is there a pattern? Sometimes, we have hidden blocks preventing our growth. Be a father to yourself and dig deep with logic and action.

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Place those wounds under a microscope and think about how masculine energy has positively and negatively impacted your life. Forgive the past as needed, and celebrate the good. Not for anyone else, but for yourself. Although we can’t physically go back to fix and change the events that created the chasms, we can do so energetically, freeing ourselves and the people in our wounding story from the pain and guilt.

2. Engage Your Inner Warrior

The Divine Masculine is your inner warrior – capable of standing up for and protecting you. Great warriors strategize and fight with their minds instead of the brute force and domination our society correlates with masculinity. The Divine Masculine is about inner strength. Where do you need it most? Is your confidence or self-esteem wavering? Do you feel vulnerable to your daily struggles? Embrace your Divine Masculine …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SageGoddess.com. All the rights of content are owned by SageGoddess.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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