5 Proper Ways To Explain Reiki

We have all had that moment of trying to explain Reiki to someone who has no idea what it is. If you are new to healing, then you are probably still wondering what it is yourself. If you are more advanced, you may have an idea of the full extinct of Reiki healing, but how does one summarize it for the unknowing? If you answer with the history of Reiki, you probably find most persons are not interested in a detailed explanation. In fact, some may walk away regretting the inquiry. As a healer, you should have a brief response that sums of the essence of Reiki within a few seconds.

Now, a lot of you are probably thinking that Reiki is so powerful and extensive that it cannot be summarized within seconds. However, the most typical response healers give when asked about Reiki is it is a Japanese technique which channels Universal energy using a “hands-on” or “hands-off method” to remove blockages and relax you or something close to that remark. Though accurate, this response lacks depth and makes assumptions. It implies that the other person has similar belief systems and healing knowledge as you do and it doesn’t really answer the question. It tells a person how the healing procedure occurs, but not the essence of Reiki itself.

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Once you have worked with this energy for a while, you understand that Reiki is more than just a way to remove blockages and relax. It is the return of our most pure self. Reiki intermingles with the energetic and physical body to release all obstacles that have prevented us from being who we really are in this world. It is the most divine love and assistance imaginable. If someone asked me how does Reiki work, I would respond in the typical way given above. But if someone asked me to explain Reiki to them, I must go deeper. But before doing so, I offer them a summary to pique their interest and encourage them to ask more.

I am not telling you to stop using the typical response mentioned earlier. Say it if it makes you feel comfortable. If your spirit tells you to respond in that manner, then let no one stop you. I am recommending that you add more. Just as each fingerprint is different, so does Reiki present itself differently to each person in a session. Though the healing outcome is the same, Reiki is specific to each person. For some people, Reiki is a soft cool wind bringing back memories of childhood trauma while soothing the heart. For others, it is a dull or sharp headache that dissipates once a blockage is released. And still, others receive a restful sleep full of healing energy.

5 Proper Ways To Explain Reiki

What is the proper way to explain Reiki when it forever changes? I have listed a few responses below that I have found effective when communicating to others about Reiki. Each one offers some insight into the higher levels of healing while still allowing a person with zero knowledge the capability of grasping the concept, all of which will lead to follow up questions. Even if the questions are an attempt to…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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