5 ways your intuition talks to you — Follow Your Own Rhythm

Do you ever wonder how your intuition talks to you and tries to send you messages?

This is different from how the UNIVERSE communicates with you in that the universe sends you messages both internally (through your intuition) AND externally such as through signs, symbols, people, animals, synchronicities, divination, etc.

But all of these external signs that you receive, you still filter through your own intuition to see if it’s for you and to see what it’s trying to say. Otherwise, we would assume that every single thing that happens is a “sign” and we would probably be really confused. So when it comes down to it, your intuition is your ultimate guide.

Your intuition always comes from within, it’s your inner gps that tells you where to go, what to do, what is right, what is true, etc. So in this video I wanted to share 5 ways in which your intuition (or your deeper self) communicates with you so that you can start connecting to it and use it to navigate through life.

And in case you’re wondering…why is it important to listen to our intuition? Because it is the link to our soul and our soul’s path. Your intuition might not always make sense, but it will always take you to where you need to be.

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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