Clairvoyance: What It Is + 10 Signs You Have This Ability

We are all familiar with our five physical senses but we can also access an extra or more subtle and energetic use of our senses.

Clairvoyance is an extrasensory perception or psychic ability that is sometimes referred to as the 6th sense.

This is a sense that is linked to our connection and perception of dimensions beyond just the physical.

Clairvoyance is an extrasensory perception that allows one to receive guidance or insight through imagery that is usually perceived through the mind’s eye or third eye.

Clairvoyance is a way of accessing non-linear information through images.

This is an intriguing topic that can help us to learn more about our less acknowledged but natural abilities to perceive energy and information as humans.

Within this article, we will start with a deeper look into what is clairvoyance and then learn about how this ability and other similar  ‘Clair’ or extrasensory perceptions are available to all of us.

We explore 10 signs that can indicate that your clairvoyant abilities are active or currently activating as well as ways to develop and strengthen clairvoyance.

We will round up by learning more about how you can use clairvoyance in your daily life.

What Is Clairvoyance?

What is Clairvoyance

The word clairvoyance has French origins and translates to “ clear seeing “.

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This is the most simple and effective way that we can understand clairvoyance. It is an ability to sense

clarity and insight through different visual perceptions.

This can refer to clarity in both the inner visions that you experience within your mind’s eye ( third eye chakra ) and clarity in how you perceive information that you receive with your physical eyes.

It is all about understanding and perception of the deeper meaning, symbolism, or guidance in what you see within your mind and what you see in the world.

In terms of how clairvoyant visions can occur, they are more often within the mind and can be quite subtle.

Clairvoyance can include a lot of symbolism that you can decipher through your intuition, context, or research.

Clairvoyance is very often experienced during dream states as sleep is a time of relaxation and openness where we can access other dimensions with less resistance.

Although it is less common, clairvoyance can be experienced in a way where visions are superimposed into physical reality or some people will be able to see energy in the form of auras and non-physical light beings.

Clairvoyance has been acknowledged throughout history in a variety of cultures and religions.

Can Anyone Become Clairvoyant?

The short answer to the question ‘can anyone become clairvoyant?’ is, yes but in practice, the intricacies are more nuanced.

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As humans, we have the natural ability to access psychic information however our awareness, acceptance, and use of our abilities differs greatly.

Some people are more inclined to focus on and be interested in extrasensory perceptions.

Some people may be born really activated and identify as a clairvoyant to the extent that they can greatly assist others using this ability.

Clairvoyance can also be a very subtle and personal way of receiving guidance.

It is also possible that you are more inclined to perceive extra sensory information through different physical senses because clairvoyance is just one of the ‘Clair’ experiences that we can access.

Some people may be more inclined towards clairvoyance while others may more effectively perceive extra sensory information through clairaudience ( clear hearing ), claircognizance ( clear knowing ), and clairsentience ( clear feeling ).

We can also perceive through a combination of these means to receive clarity, guidance, or messages.

We are all able to choose to focus upon and cultivate clairvoyance or any of the other extrasensory perceptions.

Within the next section, we will explore the signs that can indicate that you are actively clairvoyant, have experienced clairvoyance, or that you have a natural inclination toward “ clear seeing”  that you can choose to harness.

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What Are The Signs Of Clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance signs

The following are some of the signs that can indicate clairvoyance, you don’t need to experience all of these signs to know that you are clairvoyant or to choose to strengthen this ability within yourself.

If you experience quite a few of these signs it can indicate that you have a strong disposition to receive guidance through clairvoyance.

1. You can view past or future events in the present

The first and the most obvious sign of clairvoyance is that you have experienced visual perception within your mind’s eye while awake or dreaming or via some other visual medium that informs you of an event that happened in the past.

You will have a sense that the information didn’t arise from your own mind and…


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