9 Biblical Meanings of Killing a Snake in a Dream (Bad Luck?)

All through the bible, snakes have been seen as evil and treacherous.

Except in some cases like Jesus and Moses, you will mostly find evil examples of this creature. 

When you dream of killing them, is this a sign of good luck or not?

Well, I have some amazing things to share in this article, which will prove helpful to you. Dreaming of dead snakes is not as bad as you think.

Read on to find out why.

What does a Snake mean in the Bible?

Snakes in the Bible

The first place in the bible where the word ‘snake ‘ was mentioned was the book of Genesis. The snake was referred to as a serpent in this book.

This was featured in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

After God gave them an instruction to eat only the tree of life, the devil came in the form of a Serpent to deceive them

Therefore, this creature has ever since been given a negative reputation as a deceiver. In the bible, the serpent or snake is known for deception.

It depicts disobedience to God’s instructions. Seeing it in the dream or in real life could warn you against falling into the deception of disloyal and untrusted people

Additionally, this creature was also used for the devil. Jesus called the devil “the ancient serpent”.

This is why people who commit atrocities are often referred to as serpentine.

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They are identified with this creature because of its reputation for evil. 

The Bible majorly speaks of the evil of this creature because it was the first animal to be possessed by the devil – as we see in the book of Genesis

What does a Dead Snake mean in Dreams?

Dead snake

A dead snake in your dream could be a warning sign or a good sign.

I was going through the book of John in the bible.

Then, I discovered that Moses once lifted up a snake to be an emblem of healing and hope for the Israelites.

This changed my mindset about snakes.

So, there is a good side to this creature in the bible.

Now, looking at this narrative, seeing a dead snake could mean sickness.

Since its presence was a sign of healing for the Israelites, its death or absence of life could spiritually symbolize the absence of healing power.

Additionally, it could be a message from God concerning your health. God might be telling you to take care of your health through this dream.

Another spiritual meaning of seeing this creature in your dream speaks about victory. The evil omen surrounding this spirit animal is responsible for its notoriety.

Therefore, becoming sensitive to its presence helps us to become more cautious.

Now, if you find it dead, then the spiritual world could be bringing good news to you. This could be a sign of victory over the attacks of the enemy

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Is it Normal to Dream about Killing Snakes?

Biblical signs from killing snakes

No, it is not normal to dream about killing snakes.

Most of the dreams we have are either a fragment of our reality or a fantasy in our imaginations.

Except on rare occasions, we should not have dreams about killing animals or a person.

Therefore, having this dream concerning killing snakes is a clear spiritual sign

The power of this dream can influence your mindset, and also affect the veracity of your decisions.

All through the bible, nobody had dreams about killing snakes.

Now, this does not mean there are no spiritual meanings for it.

Therefore, read what comes next in this article to understand the different spiritual meanings of killing this creature in your dream.

9 Biblical Meanings of Killing Snakes in a Dream

Biblical Meaning of Killing Snakes in a Dream

In the bible, you will find 9 different messages about killing snakes in a dream. These messages are hidden in certain events, which we will uncover in this section. If you have ever dreamt of killing snakes in your dream, here are the following spiritual messages that could help.

1) Killing snakes with a stone

The Bible refers to a stone as the word of God.

Therefore, killing snakes with a stone means you should overcome the deception of Satan with the word of God.

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God’s word stands above all. You can use it to overcome temptation. It is also an emblem of victory over the works of the devil.

Therefore, killing snakes with a stone spiritually inspires your heart to know more about God’s word.

As you draw closer to His word, your soul will be illuminated with light, and this exposes the works of darkness to you. 

Stones are a sign of God’s infallible word, which can be used to destroy the devil – just as you crushed the head of snakes with the stone in your dream.

2) Killing snakes with an axe


Now, this speaks of your determination to overcome a situation in your life.

The axe represents your unbending will, which is the highest level of motivation.

God has shown you this dream to encourage you to keep at it. 

He sees your determination to succeed and will back you up.

Ensure you never give in to pressure.

Just as you killed those snakes with the axe, you will overcome every…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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