How to Meditate : A 4-Step Guide for Clarity and Intuition

If I had to share just ONE valuable tip that had the power to dramatically change your life for the better, my advice would be this: learn how to meditate.

Meditation is one of the most powerful success tools available to you. Even a simple five-minute basic mindfulness meditation practice can boost your mental clarity, focus, and intuition, making it easier for you to remain calm in challenging situations and make better decisions in the present moment.

In this guide, you will learn about the benefits of meditation and how to cultivate a powerful success mindset that will make it easier to achieve your goals in life.

You’ll also discover a simple four-step meditation practice and other exercises that even beginners can use to practice mindfulness and live more fully in the present moment, so you can experience more joy and contentment in everyday life.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the practice of training your mind to be more calm, clear, focused, and positive, so you can see yourself and the world around you with greater clarity and take mindful action that helps you get the results you want in life.

There are many ways to learn how to meditate. The simplest of all meditation techniques is to practice mindfulness training or focus on your breathing and release all thoughts as you notice them arise.

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You could do a body scan meditation or focus on a mantra, repeating an empowering word or phrase over and over. You could also work with one of the many meditation apps out there, or meditation teachers who take you on a guided meditation that deepens your intuition.

If you’re not keen on sitting meditation, you could practice a “walking meditation” that cultivates greater awareness of the present moment and gives you a deeper sense of peaceful harmony and connection with the world around you. Or you could use loving-kindness meditation (also known as metta meditation) to cultivate a more positive mindset by focusing on growing your compassion for all living things.

Any of these practices improve your mental health by helping to liberate your mind from the endless “monkey mind” chatter of thoughts that cause you to believe negative or limiting ideas that simply aren’t true,  such as “people suck” or “I’m a failure.”

When you realize the illusory nature of such thoughts and learn how to release them, it becomes so much easier for you to embrace new thoughts that empower you to take more positive actions that deliver the outcomes you desire.

The Benefits of Meditation for Clarity and Intuition

  • Do you ever find yourself so irritated by something in your everyday life that it gets in the way of your performance?
  • Are you ever so stressed out that you can’t sleep at night and have difficulty concentrating during the day?
  • Do you struggle with solving problems or making big decisions because you can’t figure out what to do next?
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Practicing mindfulness meditation helps you overcome all of these challenges and so much more. Both seated and walking meditation have been scientifically proven to boost relaxation, reduce stress, and improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Meditation neutralizes negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, or bitterness, and allows you to think more clearly and consider all sides of a situation with an open mind so you can make better decisions in the present moment.

When you practice meditation regularly, it also reduces mental distraction and increases focus so you can be more productive while experiencing less stress and anxiety. It also helps you relax and sleep better at night, so you are able …

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