Mirror Soul Meaning | Twin Flames Stages And Signs

It’s one of the central goals of all of our lives – the mirror soul meaning we are chasing is represented and reinforced in film, TV, music, literature, and every other art form imaginable is the search for “the one.”

Popular culture uses the word soulmates, but soulmates are a different thing altogether. What these pop culture mediums are talking about are twin flames.

Your twin flame is your “one true love,” though it’s more complicated than that. If you want a better description of your mirror soul, then twin flame.

What Is A Twin Flame?

You and your twin flame share something very deep in common – you share a soul.

Not in the literal sense, of course – you each have your own soul. We say you share a soul because you both have an identical soul pattern or blueprint.

You can think of your souls as keys to make it clearer to see. Both of your keys unlock the same door, so the pattern they are must be the same.

However, there will be scratches and dents picked up on the way that won’t be identical – and they’re very likely on a different keyring.

The fact that your souls share a unique energy pattern only with each other is part of why we call twin flames “mirror souls.”

Their soul is a mirror of yours, showing all the same patterns and quirks. Through your twin flame,

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you can see your own soul more clearly and better understand how your experiences have affected you throughout your life.

Mirror Soul Meaning | Holding Up A Mirror To Your Soul

The twin flame relationship is exciting and inspiring from the very beginning, often filled with a level of passion and love rarely seen in other romantic relationships.

However, the purpose of your twin flame relationship is not to make you happy – it’s to make you a better person.

The point of your twin flame relationship is to unite in twin flame union and ascend to a higher dimension of consciousness.

To do this, you will both go on a journey of self-improvement and higher awareness to bring your energies in line with your ideal.

In taking the high road together, we get to touch on another part of why twin flames keep popping up as mirror souls – your twin flame is not only a mirror of your soul but also a mirror for your soul.

Your twin flame will help you see yourself more clearly, giving you a new perspective on your personal and spiritual state.

Examining yourself for your flaws and bad habits is difficult. We spend our whole lives trying to wrestle with our own egos over self-awareness, and the ego often wins.

The ego tries to get in the way of honest self-examination because every imperfection you find

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will hurt its pride.

Part of the twin flame journey is the shedding of ego, but getting started on that journey is easier just to cut out the middleman.couple walking through the streets

Having a mirror soul allows you to see your own shortcomings in someone else. Viewing your weaknesses through your twin flame helps keep your ego out of it as you criticize someone else instead of yourself.

But the result is the same you can address your own shortcomings in a more eco-friendly way.

Mirror Soul Meaning | Mirror Soul, Mirror Lives

Twin flames tend to lead very similar lives before the meeting, with their mirror souls walking parallel paths that eventually converge.

Although superficially, many of the details of your lives are different, once you dig into what you learned and how you were affected, you will find that you share a lot from your early life.

In particular, twin flames tend to have had similar childhood challenges. For instance, you might both have had the same unfortunate time at school, or you might both be children of divorce.

You will also discover that you had almost run into each other numerous times before you met.

Twin flames often find out that they have been to the same places as each other at the same time on plenty of occasions, but as neither of them was ready for their twin flame, they didn’t meet.

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Crisscrossing but not meeting is an example of synchronicity. Synchronicity is an engineered coincidence, a way for the universe to bring twin flames together using seemingly “random” events – though synchronicity isn’t only about twin flames.

Because of the mirrored nature of the twin flames’ early lives and their mirror souls, they usually have shared values and priorities.

This similarity in general outlook can lead to many benefits for twin flames in the twin flame relationship.

Mirror Soul HarmonyMirror Soul Meaning - Distant couple

Having harmonious reflections is why twin flames work so well together – their mirror souls can exist in perfect harmony with one another.

With a shared set of values and morals, it is far easier for twin flames to progress in their relationship and go after a shared set of goals.

Much of the relationship trouble we experience throughout our lives results from clashing values.

When one of you values freedom and the other values responsibility, it is hard to pick a path that

works for both of you.

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SpiritualUnite.com. All the rights of content are owned by SpiritualUnite.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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