Manifest Anything In 5 Days with the 5 x 55 Manifestation Method!

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The 5 x 55 manifestation method is one of the most powerful tools you can add to your manifesting toolbox.

It helps you make a direct connection with your desires so that they can manifest quickly and easily – sometimes in just 5 days or less!

manifest anything in 5 days with the 5 x 55 manifestation method

What is the 5 x 55 manifestation method?

The 5 x 55 manifestation method is a quick and easy way to manifest your dreams in just 5 days.

It’s a way to get into the vibration of having what you want every day for 5 days.

If you have studied manifestation or have listened to any Abraham Hicks work, you’ll know that manifestation can happen in as little as 17 seconds.

If you can hold the vibration of having what you want for at least 17 seconds, you become a vibrational match to what you want, and you begin drawing it to you.

Using the 5×55 method is a way to hold the vibration of what you want for longer than 17 seconds.

It helps you get into the habit of a manifestation process.

5 x 55 manifestation technique with girl writing in a journal

How does the 5 x 55 manifestation method work?

It works by helping you focus your energy on the vibrational frequency of your desire.

Often times when we are trying to manifest something, we accidentally get into the vibration of NOT having what we want.

The 5 x 55 manifestation process is a way to make sure that we are getting into the vibration of HAVING what we want.

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And doing it for 5 days is a way to concentrate the energy so that the Universe will move what we want towards us.

Writing down what you want every day imprints it on your subconscious mind, helping you believe that it can happen.

Once you start moving towards what you want, the Universe moves too.

Using the 5 x 55 manifestation ritual harnesses the power of repetition and helps you create a manifestation practice for yourself that you can use any time you’d like.

girl typing on laptop

What is the meaning of 5 x 55?

The angel numbers meaning of 555 is:

Your life is about to change. You are choosing a new path. The changes in your life are divinely inspired. Be open to new beginnings!

How to do the 5 x 55 method of manifesting:

  • Decide what you want.
  • Create an affirmation around what you want.
  • Write the affirmation 55 times a day for 5 consecutive days.
  • Release your hold on your desire and let the Universe work for you!
  • It is done!

Step one: Decide what you want.

We are manifesting things all the time, but a lot of times we are doing it by accident.

The law of attraction is always working for us.

Sometimes we just get into a habit of manifesting things we don’t really want.

For the purposes of using the 5 x 55 manifestation formula, the first step is to choose something specific that we want to manifest.

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It can be something big, like a certain amount of money, a new job, a date or a text from a specific person — the only rule is that it needs to be something that you BELIEVE you can have.

If you want to manifest something that you don’t really want or don’t believe you can have, it’s going to take longer for the method to work.

That doesn’t mean that it won’t work, but if you want it to work fast, choose something that you believe you can have.

girl holding journal in front of face

If you are new to using the law of attraction, or this is your first time using the 5 x 55 method of manifestation, you can choose something small.

For example, choose that you want to receive a sign from the Universe that you can have whatever you want and that the method will help you get it.

It’s a good idea to choose something that you wouldn’t normally see in everyday life.

Like maybe you want to see a monkey wearing a red jacket.

Or you want someone to give you $27.

Choose something specific so that you will know for SURE that the method worked.

Once you’ve decided what you want, it’s time to create a positive affirmation to use for the next 5 days.

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Create the affirmation.

The affirmation should be: specific and written in the present tense, as if you already have what you want. For example:

Thank you, Universe, for showing me a monkey wearing a red jacket. I’m excited to know this method works!


Thank you, Universe, for the $27 I received!

An easy way to create your manifestation affirmation is to think about it like this:

If someone came up to you on the street and gave you what you asked for, what would you say?

Or if you were describing that moment to someone else, how would you say it?

If you were writing a thank you note to the Universe in one sentence, what would it be?

Of course, you want this affirmation to be short enough that writing it 55 times won’t take you 3 hours.????

girl on couch typing on laptop

For the next 5 days, write out your affirmation 55 times on a piece of paper or in a manifestation journal/notebook.

While you’re writing, feel the positive feelings of it happening.

Again, if someone came up to you on the street and gave you what you wanted, how…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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