How to Manifest Clear Skin Fast | Aglow Lifestyle

Suffering from acne sucks.

Not only are pimples physically icky, but they’re also emotionally unbearable to deal with.

You wake up in the morning and immediately check your face in the mirror to see if there’s a new zit.

If you don’t like what you see, you spend most of your day obsessing over it.

You even end up feeling like you’re not good enough to go out.

There are loads of acne products out there, but sometimes they just don’t seem to work.

Well, there is a new way to try and get rid of acne – it’s called manifestation.

Manifestation is a popular method of attracting things into your reality.

Today I want to share with you how to use this effective method for clearing your skin.

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Can you really manifest clear skin?

Yes, you absolutely can manifest clear skin.

Manifesting clear skin starts with belief.

You have to truly believe that you can clear your skin and that it’s possible for you.

This is the only way to manifest anything into your reality – through a positive belief of receiving it.

If you don’t have this belief, then manifestation won’t work.

How to manifest clear skin in 6 steps:

1. Stop giving your acne attention

The first step to manifesting clear skin is to clear your mind of all things acne.

Do you constantly pop pimples or pick at your face?

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Are you constantly looking in the mirror to inspect your skin or examining blemishes?

If so, you need to stop.

The reason for this is because whatever you focus your energy on expands.

If you focus on your acne, there is a strong chance that it will get worse and become more noticeable.

It can be hard to stop giving attention to your acne because it’s a habit rooted in emotion.

But remember, your acne is not the boss of you.

It has no power over your feelings unless you allow it to.

If you want clear skin, you will need to learn to control your emotions and thoughts about your acne.

2. Visualise how it would feel to have clear skin

Visualization is an important part of manifesting.

If you can see how it would feel to have clear skin, you are more likely to attract it into your life.

Close your eyes and spend a few minutes visualizing yourself with clear skin every day.

Feel how it would feel to run your fingers over the smooth surface of your face.

Imagine how people’s reactions will be towards you when you reveal the acne-free version of yourself for the first time.

Feel the emotion and excitement you will experience when you finally achieve your goal and have added confidence.

Doing this will help attract positivity towards your goal.

3. Write as though you already have clear skin

Once you have visualized how it would feel to have clear skin, it’s time to write down exactly what life will be like when you get rid of your acne.

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Writing in the future tense is important because it helps you detach from the past and embrace the now.

This writing technique is called “scripting.”

Even if you’re not at this point yet, write as though you already have clear skin and how your life is now that you have clear skin.

For example, “I get up in the morning and look in the mirror. I feel so relieved that I don’t have to deal with acne anymore.  I know that this is because I believed it would happen and then worked towards making it a reality. I’m so happy and grateful!”

Be sure to add as much detail and emotion as you can.

You might feel like you are telling yourself a lie at first, but remember, writing in the future tense is powerful.

Writing down your goals and dreams causes you to shift your focus onto the goal and bring it closer to reality.

4. Use positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are useful in helping you to reprogram your subconscious mind.

When you repeatedly say something, your brain starts to believe it.

When you believe it, your actions will follow.

Positive affirmations are a great way to start changing how you think about yourself.

They can also help you feel good, even when you don’t like how your skin looks.

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Here are some affirmations that you might like to try:

  • I love my acne-free skin.
  • My skin is clearing up fast.
  • I trust that my skin is healing.
  • I am worthy of clear skin.
  • I am going to have a smooth and even complexion.

Pick a few affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them throughout the day.

You can also repeat them while looking in the mirror if you want.

5. Let go of negativity and trust the universe

As mentioned earlier, whatever you focus on will expand.

If you keep looking at your acne and thinking negative thoughts about it, it will likely get worse.

The best way to combat this is to let go of any negativity that you are feeling.

You might be thinking, “But what about all my worries and fears? How can I let go of those?”.

When you think about your acne, focus on your emotions and try to look to the future for a more positive outcome.

For example, if you are feeling stressed about your acne, imagine yourself in the near future when your skin is…

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