Grey Aura: 5 Different Shades of Grey Aura & Their Meanings

As the spiritual community is becoming more and more preoccupied with the meaning of different aura colors, I see a lot of people wondering what is the meaning of a grey aura and how this shapes their personality. 

First, I want to start by saying that a grey aura is actually a mix of black and white shades in your aura. 

As I’ve explained in previous articles, the meaning of a white aura is that you have reached a high spiritual level and are spiritually elevated.

A white aura shows that you are surrounded by positive energies.

If you want to read more about the meaning of a white aura, click here. 

In contrast, the meaning of a black aura is that the person is currently surrounded by dark, black energy and overall not doing too well.

To read more about the meaning of a black aura, check my article on this topic by clicking here.

Thus, as the grey aura is a mix between light, positive energy and its opposite – dark, heavy energy, it could a bit hard for people to understand what is the true grey aura meaning. 

If you suspect that you may have a grey aura, continue to read, as I will explain all the meanings of having a grey aura and how this shapes your personality. 

What is the Meaning of the Grey Aura?

Understanding the grey aura meaning

The meaning of the grey aura is that the person who has this aura color, is at crossroads, from a spiritual point of view. 

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This means that they’re either transitioning from a white aura to a black one, changing their energy from light to dark, or vice versa. 

Of course, when someone changes their energy from dark to light, it’s a very good thing – it shows that they could be emerging from a darker time in their life, have paid some heavy karma, learned some difficult lessons, and are now cleansing energetically. 

However, if the transition happens in the reversed direction – the person is transitioning from a white aura to a black one, things are not so great. 

It could mean that even though they had a high spiritual level they did let something get to them and affect them, which is why their auric field is filling up with negative energy. 

If someone’s aura is currently grey because their energy is changing towards the darker spectrum, it could also mean that this person- who previously had a very high spiritual level, has failed an important spiritual test, so know their auric field is filled with dark entities.

Overall, having a grey aura could mean that you are transitioning (from light to dark or from dark to light), or that you are stuck in some area of your life, not evolving as you should, as grey also represents stagnation and staleness. 

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If your aura color is currently grey and you identify with the transition from darkness to light, you shouldn’t worry, as it’s only up to you to change your energy for the better. 

Distinctive Qualities of the Grey Aura Color

Qualities of the Grey Aura Color

If I was, to sum up, what qualities does a grey aura have or explain in a nutshell what it actually represents, I would say it is best described by the following words:

  • Transition (from dark to light or vice versa)
  • Change (that makes you feel confused, almost paralyzed)
  • Feeling stuck 
  • Lack of spiritual evolution
  • Calmness and tranquility (in case of the positive transition)

Thus, you can see that the grey aura had both positive and negative aspects and qualities, as grey is in fact, a mix of black and white. 

To know whether your aura is changing towards the lighter spectrum of the grey aura or towards the darker one, you can check what shade of grey your aura is. 

Some shades represent positive change, the transition from darkness to light, calmness, and tranquility, whereas other shades represent the transition from light to darkness, negative change, and lack of spiritual evolution. 

Also, if you’re in doubt about whether you’re transitioning from light to darkness or vice versa, you can always have an honest look at how you’ve been feeling lately, and check in with your intuition. 

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Your intuition usually knows if you are on the right path or not, and how you feel is also a good indicator of what type of energies are surrounding you. 

If you feel calm, aligned, and alive you are surrounded by light energies.

 If you feel low, depressed, angry, or fearful, then you are definitely surrounded by dark, heavy energies.

Grey Aura Shades and Their Meaning

Grey aura can represent both good and bad things, depending on the shade of grey that your aura has.

Below I am going to list the main 5 shades of grey aura and their meanings: 

1. Bright Grey Aura Meaning

A bright grey aura is actually a positive sign. It means that you are transitioning from dark to light and not vice versa, as you have learned the heaviest, most difficult life lessons and passed your spiritual tests. 

Bright grey signifies that you managed to bring…

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