27 Mystical Signs The Universe Wants You To Be With Someone

The Universe can be a mysterious place. 

From the bizarre and unexplainable to the coincidental and extraordinary, there are signs in our Universe that we interpret as meaningful messages from the world around us. 

Sometimes these messages come in the form of mystical signs that are so specific, so perfectly timed and placed, that they seem to be directly related to us and our lives at that moment. 

Here are some of the signs the Universe wants you to be with someone.

Can The Universe Really Give Signs That It Wants You To Be With Someone?

Everything on this earth is connected by energy, and every soul has a higher purpose and karmic lessons to learn as well as gifts to share with the world. 

If your soul’s connection to another is meant to be, then there will be physical signs from the Universe telling us so. 

You may have tried running from your soulmate or loved them from afar without acting on your feelings, but when the time is right for both of you, the Universe will put its foot down, forcing both of your paths together to achieve a common goal. 

It could be in the form of a gut feeling, a random song that comes on your radio, or a billboard sign that seems to be calling out your name. 

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These signs don’t have to be huge and noticeable or involve something out of the ordinary—they can be subtle and common-place. 

However, if we pay attention to our surroundings and the world around us, we will clearly see these signs.

What Are The Signs The Universe Wants You To Be With Someone?

The signs the universe wants you to be with someone

1. There’s instant recognition

When you meet someone with whom the Universe wants you to be with, there is a sense of familiarity, like you have known each other for a long time. 

You may feel as if you have known them in a past life, or that you are kindred spirits. 

This feeling may be accompanied by a strong connection to the person who has entered your life. 

The minute you first talk to them, it feels like they’ve been in your life for several years – like you’ve built a connection already before.

2. Coincidences happen

There are many coincidences in your life, and sometimes they seem too good to be true. 

But if you notice these things happening repeatedly, you may want to pay attention. 

Coincidence is the Universe pushing you in the right direction. 

When it comes to dating and relationships, those who believe in signs from the Universe say that there are many signs that can help you figure out if a particular person is supposed to be in your life or not. 

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Before you claim these are all coincidences, if they keep occurring, these may be ways the Universe is sending you a message.

3. You feel secure and at peace with yourself

If you’re looking for signs the Universe wants you to be with someone, look no further than your relationship with yourself. 

As cliché as it may sound, if you aren’t happy or at peace with yourself, then you won’t be happy in a relationship. 

It’s important to know who you are and what you want before entering into a romantic union of any kind. 

When you accept yourself and love yourself wholeheartedly, it makes it easier for someone else to do the same.

Additionally, recognizing your worth and how much value and love you hold within yourself makes a potential relationship less about neediness and more about growth together. 

Instead of looking to your partner to ” complete ” or save you from feeling empty inside, you can focus on supporting each other in whatever way is best for both of your lives.

4. You’ve probably crossed paths but don’t know it 

You’ve probably met them before. 

It may feel like you’re meeting this person for the first time, but you’ve actually known each other for a long time. 

You just didn’t recognize them because it was in a different time, place, or context. 

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It could have been a passing interaction or they were a friend of a friend — maybe even someone you went to school with. 

But somewhere along the way, your paths crossed and now that you know what role they play in your life, you can trace the steps back and realize it was all leading up to this moment.

5. You feel their energy

Have you ever been in a room with someone and suddenly thought, “Wow, I feel like I could just kiss this person”? 

Or maybe you think of someone often, even though you don’t really know them or talk to them on a daily basis. 

These are examples of the Universe trying to tell you that it wants you to be with somebody.

Your intuition is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal when discerning whether or not someone is right for you. 

If your body feels a particular type of way whenever they’re around, that means something! 

It means they are meant for you. 

When two people meet and their souls just click,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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