Prosperity: The Power of 5/5 at 5:55

Are you ready to receive? Because May is the month of abundance. It’s the fifth month of the calendar year, and five is the number of money. Money exists first in the etheric realm as an energy, then manifests in the material realm. All you wish for is already there, waiting in the ether. May’s a great time to call it in, especially on 5/5! The sequence of 555 denotes a time of life choices, major change, and opportunity. When you set an intention on 5/5 at 5:55 (am or pm), you can use this positive energy to your benefit. I wrote this blog – Prosperity: The Power of 5/5 at 5:55 to share the possibilities available to you with this once-a-year opportunity!

To receive, we have to make room. It’s challenging to accept new things if we’re blocked because it prevents them from flowing in. This is a perfect time to release attachments to make room for the new. You can forgive those who have harmed you. You can let go of things, patterns, or relationships, that aren’t serving you. You can literally clean out your closets, and donate your belongings so that someone else can receive what they need. Spring clean!

Along with physical blocks, there can also be mental blocks, such as limiting belief systems around prosperity. It’s time to redefine what “success” means to you! Imagine all that is possible. Big, infinite, beautiful, intoxicating possibility. When doing any manifestation work, it’s important to have the vision and to be able to hold it for exactly what it is you want. Anything you dream won’t come close to what the Universe can create through you if you move out of the way and start believing.

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And when you appreciate the gifts you already have, the Universe knows you’re ready to receive more (and more)! As you make room for new things to flow, actively practice gratitude for what’s being shed as well as what you have. When the Universe hears you acknowledging your blessings, you’re more likely to attract what you seek into your life. You are wise, you are well, you are powerful, you are loved, and you are wealthy!

In May at Sage Goddess, we’re working with Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity, abundance, and love. She’s the personification of beauty and adorns herself in rich jewel tones of crimson, fuchsia, and gold as a symbol of her prosperity. Her graceful essence is a reminder that beauty is everywhere, as long as we open our eyes to it.

Lakshmi is held in high regard in the Hindu tradition, where she represents good luck and fortune. Her four arms symbolize the four pillars of human existence – dharma (cosmic law and duty), kama (love and desire), artha (material wealth), and moksha (self-actualization). She’s the perfect goddess to work with to receive the abundant gifts available to you, especially on 5/5 at 5:55!

How will you work with this time of major manifestation and money magic? Take some time to write down exactly what your life looks like when you have everything you desire (pro tip: Write in the present tense). Keep a gratitude journal. This is a call for you to come into alignment with your greater purpose …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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