11 Signs Of An Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra or Manipura in Sanskrit is our energy center of personal power.

This chakra has a big impact on our identity, how we view ourselves and how we relate to ourselves and therefore the world around us.

A healthy, active, and balanced solar plexus chakra allows us to embrace our uniqueness, worthiness, and power to create the life that we desire and that we deserve.

When this chakra is out of balance it can cause a variety of unwanted issues.

Within this article, we shall learn more about the solar plexus chakra imbalance where this chakra is underactive.

We will explore what causes an underactive solar plexus chakra, and the 11 key signs that will help you identify if your solar plexus chakra is underactive.

Finally, I’ll share a few powerful practices that you can use to rebalance an underactive solar plexus chakra. 

What Causes An Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra?

woman with a underactive solar plexus chakra

Imbalance within a chakra can manifest in a few different ways such as a blocked chakra, underactive chakra, or overactive chakra.

In this article, we will specifically focus on the cause of an underactive solar plexus chakra imbalance.

The main cause of an underactive solar plexus chakra is an energetic blockage. An energy blockage simply means that something is preventing or misdirecting the natural and harmonious flow of energy.

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When you have an energy block within the solar plexus chakra this chakra will become underactive.

The solar plexus chakra becomes underactive when the life force energy that is needed to power this center is not flowing.

Energetic blockages can be caused by mental or physical stress, traumatic experiences, and emotional wounds.

An underactive solar plexus chakra can also be a result of a psychological state which blocks off the flow of energy within this chakra.

The psychological state that causes an underactive chakra can be a result of societal programming, negative thoughts, and beliefs that misdirect and block vital and harmonious energy flow within the solar plexus chakra.

Another cause of an underactive solar plexus chakra can be related to childhood development, an imbalance can occur if children are not consciously nurtured and approached with understanding as they become conscious of and embody the function of each chakra.

The solar plexus chakra which deals with, individuality in relation to the world as well as motivation is said to first come into our awareness and development around the age of 3 years old.

Remember that if you are experiencing an underactive chakra, whatever the reason for this blockage you can choose to take responsibility for your healing and see this experience as part of your unique journey as a lesson and catalyst for activation, expanded consciousness, and a more enjoyed and embodied life on earth. 

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11 Signs Of An Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra

sign of an underactive solar plexus chakra

Learning and identifying the signs of an underactive solar plexus can help you to gain more understanding of what you are experiencing so that you can intentionally heal and activate exactly where it is needed.

These are 11 signs of an underactive solar plexus chakra:

Sign 1# You feel confused about who you are

The solar plexus chakra governs your self-image, expression, and acceptance of your authentic personality.

When this chakra is underactive you will probably experience a feeling of loss of identity.

You may be feeling unlike yourself and like you don’t know who you are. You may feel unclear about your true desires and passions in life.

You will probably feel disconnected from yourself and out of touch with self-love and self-care.

Sign 2# You lack trust in yourself 

When your solar plexus chakra is underactive this can have an impact on your self-confidence, personal power, and belief.

If you find that you are constantly doubting yourself and struggle to trust yourself this can be a sign that your solar plexus chakra is underactive.

Sign 3# You often experience draining emotional states

someone experiencing a underactive solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the energy center that affects your experience of emotions.

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How you process information energetically and experience emotional reactions can be affected by the health of your solar plexus chakra.

If you have an underactive solar plexus chakra you are more likely to be pulled into energy-draining and overwhelming emotional states such as helplessness and shame.

Sign 4# You find it difficult to make decisions

This chakra is associated with willpower and clarity about your needs, desires, and purpose in life.

When you are lacking in these aspects due to underactive solar plexus chakra energy it will be quite difficult to confidently make decisions.

When you are unsure of who you are and what you want it can be really confronting and confusing to make decisions.

Sign 5# You…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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