7 Amazing Crystals for Abundance and Prosperity

Crystals, in their best performance, are used as protectors from negative energy and help to dispel everything that is not in our best interest, or for our highest good.

We use them as generators of a higher vibration to drive forward in our desired direction. Our focus with the crystals listed below is on abundance and prosperity, which, of course, is no small task.

So, how to begin? How do we approach such an important goal of feeling like we are prospering?

It is no doubt that the key to abundance and prosperity lies within the heart. This is because we are dealing with feelings of worth.

We must believe in our worthiness in order to believe in true abundance. Where we focus our sense of worthiness is the next step towards receiving.

We use crystals to purge our physical bodies of negative energies that can keep us feeling ruled by our ego thoughts.

Now, our ego is designed to protect us from pain. It doesn’t want us to hurt or feel too vulnerable, but in order to guard against pain, ego becomes the voice in our heads that keeps us small, and seemingly safe.

Unfortunately, this keeps us feeling stuck and drives us away from opening ourselves to abundance.

These crystals will help to sift out the ego thoughts so that we begin to recognize our own voices again. Once we are grounded in ourselves, we are able to radiate thoughts of receiving abundance and prosperity.

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7 Amazing Crystals for Abundance and Prosperity

Rose Quartz: Abundance In Love

Rose Quartz Crystal for Abundance and Prosperity

Rose quartz is a fairly common crystal, however, that doesn’t make it any less valuable or potent when it comes to opening the heart to love.

Our heart chakra is essential for understanding ourselves in relationships and how we attract them. If our heart is blocked by pain from the past, we can only let people in so far before they meet these blocks.

This, of course, is not our fault, but it’s a recognition that it’s time to heal our hurt and open ourselves to believing that we are enough, no matter what.

Rose quartz is associated with the planet Venus – the goddess of love.

This sort of love signifies abundance and growth, meaning there is no room for ego with this stone, it is pure openness and love.

This energy is all about kindness, compassion, and tenderness, and will ultimately allow us to dive deeper into our love organ.

It helps with restoring trust in ourselves, the universe, and love itself. This is at the center of abundance and prosperity, you must be able to trust in the process of life to be able to give and receive without being ruled by fear.

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❤️ Related Post: 7 Powerful Heart Chakra Stones & Crystals For Healing & Balancing

Green Jade: Addressing Our Wants And Needs

Green Jade crystal for abundance

This stone is a specific ‘good luck’ stone as it promotes an energy of self-sufficiency and the harmonizing of physical and spiritual selves.

Green Jade focuses on bringing abundance to our physical and material needs by helping us recognize and feel worthy of our needs and wants.

The belief in our worthiness is essential here.

Wants and needs are a very human thing, it is absolutely okay to need things in life; be it physical or spiritual, we all have basic needs. Recognizing that will help us move with clarity.

Speaking our needs and acting towards them inevitably brings abundance because we are more aware of what needs to be satiated.

Understanding the necessity of prioritizing ourselves is a key first step. It calls us to get quiet and listen to what we truly need to feel good.

Once we get there, we can see where we need to go and will have a better idea of how to achieve it.

Attracting financial abundance and good luck can feel intimidating.

This stone will help you start with the little things and teaches you not to be discouraged by small disappointments.

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This stone gets rid of the scarcity and lack mentality, which then eradicates the need for feelings of greed and excess. It’s an important reminder of your own abilities and pours in self-confidence.

When we see ourselves with these eyes, we change our vibration. It brings a cyclical nature to the process. Trusting in the abundance is about trusting in what we need and want.

We are then able to trust in the universe because we have asked for what we wanted, we have put the energy out there, which brings us to a state of gratitude and attraction.

❤️ Related Post: Green Jade Meaning: 7 Healing Properties & Benefits

Pyrite: Abundance In Wealth

Abundance abd prosperity crystal Pyrite

Pyrite is about abundance in wealth, but in the sense of driving passion in order to carry things into completion.

The name is derived from the Greek word for fire, Pyr, so it can be used to literally strike fire. Think of it as the ignition of passion.

Often referred to as fool’s gold, and commonly mistaken for gold, this stone is a positive omen. You can…

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